Sunday, 29 May 2011

All Fiddle Farters Together!

I’m not the only one who fiddle farts in my family, everyone has a little dabble ….
This is the beautiful dovecote my father-in-law made for me to give my husband for his birthday in a few weeks time, it was too big to hide so I’ve given it him a bit early!
Picture 042
In turn my husband has always got a project on the go, from doing up old fishing reels ….
fishing rods
….. and fishing rods ….
Green Man
…..  to concrete garden ornaments…..
Lucy's Cross Stitch
…… and my daughter Lucy who does the most exquisite cross stitch, it’s a wonder any of us ever find time to go to work!!!!


  1. What a great collection of creations. Thanks so much for sharing.

  2. You've obviously all got the 'fiddle fart' gene! xx

  3. sounds a bit like our family - you can't beat a group fiddle fart!! have a lovely hols x

  4. you have a great family i love the dovecote you should get him to do you some little bird houses you could fiddle fart and hang amoungest your tea lights fab family who how they love each other in so many ways big love marc


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