Thursday 26 May 2011

Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda!

A couple of weeks ago there were dandelion clocks everywhere and now I am full of regret, because, one I was too bone idle to go out and take any photos of them  and two, now that I am into making bottle charms I wish I had carefully collected a few heads to put a few of them…. oh well, next year!


  1. Oh dear, we went daily through our yard popping up dandelions. We had 4 wagon loads. Once those blow onto the yard they take over. I love dandelions in the wild, they're beautiful, but they'll choke a yard in a heartbeat.

  2. Fabulous photograph. Elizabeth x

  3. My daughter set some in resin as part of her final piece of work at college last year it took some care for them not to fall apart but they looke brilliant!


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