Wednesday 15 June 2011

CSI Birthday Card

This is an A5 card made using white linen effect card.
CIS Card
This card, made to go with the theme of my nieces CIS birthday party may look simple, but in fact took me over 2 hours and a lot of computer jiggery pokery to get right.  I created the design in Publisher and used a picture I found on Google as a reference as to how and where to position the various parts and which fonts to use.
CSI Birthday card
I saved the completed work as a jpeg which meant that I could then shrink it down in size to make two laminated identity cards to follow the theme even further.  All of this was such hard brain work!


  1. How brilliant is this ...another fantastic idea ...but then we would not expect any less lol xx

  2. Well worth the effort - it looks super.

    Toni xx

  3. its fab its always those things that look/sound easy that take all the time to do and you make it look/sound so easy big love marc

  4. Ooh... coming from a massive CSI fan here... I LOVE IT!!!
    The font and position of everything is perfect - what a lot of work! But, as always, a briliant project, expertly created!

  5. its just brilliant - very clever!

  6. Totally Love it .. You are so very clever. Your niece is indeed going to be pretty chuffed with you.. how lucky is she to have such a clever auntie :-)
    Carole x

  7. What a fantastic idea - I would love to case this one sometime!


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