Sunday 12 June 2011

Hero Arts - Music Of The Heart

This card measures 5ins x 5ins and is made using black ribbed effect card.
Hero Arts Music From the Heart
I’ve set myself a little task, I have any awful lot of unused stamps and stamp sets, which I know is a terrible waste, so I am going to see if I can try to use them all (once) before the end of the year ….. I’m not sure if I’ll make it, but I like a challenge.
Music from the heart hero Arts
Today's card uses one of  Hero Arts Quarter Elements sets, Music From The Heart (LL576), I’ve used some really odd colours (for me) and the only card blank that seemed to go was black, which is a also bit different.  I wanted to use black embossing powder on the stamping, but I used a StazeOn  ink pad which seems to dry too quickly for the powder to stick …. or is it just me?


  1. Good luck with the challenge Helen.

    Lovely card.

    Toni :o)

  2. great idiea also dont forget to stamp a few extra so you always have some ready just incase or you want to pop in a stamp swap give away ect big love marc a good mans card

  3. I think I should challenge myself to do something similar as I have lots of stamps that have never been used or only once :(.

    I find the best ink for using for embossing powders is Versamark - it is clear and you can put any colour of powder over the top - it stays sticky for ages so you have time after stamping to get the powder on. You can also use without embossing powder to stamp a watermark on your card or paper.

  4. I did a similar challenge last year. To only use materials ect that I already had. Only touched the surface so i think it might be a 5 year challenge instead.

  5. Yes I think StazeOn is alcohol based so it evaporates/dries quickly. Love the little 'doodle' stamps. xx

  6. Great card. You need to use a pigment based ink for embossing with ;) Mel.


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