Saturday 4 June 2011

Microscope Slide Pendant

  Microscope Slide Pendant 1
Through this blog I have made so many friends, Marc being one of the loveliest.  We met through the most wonderful RAK (Random Act of Kindness) when Marc asked if he could send me a copy of Tim Holtz's  A Compendium of Curiosities, which arrived along with a huge pile of other wonderful crafty stuff which made me cry and from there on our friendship has grown via e-mail and this blog. Microscope Slides for pendant Making
Anyway, I think of Marc as being a bit of a mentor, he is always so encouraging, always offering me lots of ideas and suggestions, but when a box of microscope slides and adhesive copper foil arrived I knew I was well out of my depth and I was scared …………… until yesterday when I conquered my fear of the crafting unknown …..
Look what I have made ……. OH MY LIFE!!
I stamped, chalked and glittered the  background first (using Stampin’Up Fresh Cuts), cutting it down to the size of the slides. Then with the paper sandwiched between two slides  I very, very gingerly applied the copper tape round the edges and then smoothed it down with a wooden coffee stirrer.  This was the part I was dreading most, but it much easier than I anticipated. Then I went over the copper tape with a brown Promarker to deepen the colour.
Microscope Slide Pendant
I found a couple of dragonfly charms that I’ve had for a while and touched  them up with the same Promarker pen, then glued them onto the front slide using Ranger Glossy Accents.  The finishing touches were made using some very twinkly glass flat backed gems.  Am I allowed to say I love, love, love it?
As a fastener I’ve taken a silver bail and coloured it again with the Promarker, but I may find an alternative hanger for my next attempt!
Thank you Marc …. thank you for helping me smash another one of my crafting boundaries!

Hmmm, seems after a bit of research (which I should have done before I dived right in) that I should solder the pendant .... from what I have read you apply flux to the copper tape and then apply solder over it  ..... so what I have actually done here isn't really finished .... they say pride come before a fall .... so today I am going to ask my husband to show me this new skill!!


  1. it looks amazing!!! show no fear!! LOL :D
    J xx

  2. It is totally stunning. Enjoy wearing it :o) and thank you for the inspiration to have a go at something new.
    Love Clairebears x

  3. you dont need to solder it - the tape on its own is fine or you could even dip the sides into UTEE!

  4. That is so pretty ...clever old you ...good luck with soldering ...although paula says there is no need to it , not learn.

  5. lolPaula and Angie got there first i as going to say no need to solder
    with that tape you can also put a eye pin between the glass so the eye sticks out the top instead of a bail and if you dont have copper tape use a tomato purre tube cut the top and bottom and down one side open it out wash inide it will be gold or copper cut it in to strips smooth it with a cloth just rub hard over it takes out any dents add doublesided tape and mould around the out outside in the same you would with tape rub again gently to help it stick and shine
    Helen thank you for the very kind words it is i who am bleesed to have found your blog and be inspiered by your acts of kindness and talent and to read all the comments your fab followers share with you for they to are a inspiration big love marc


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