Sunday 17 July 2011

I Love Tea Badges

Sorry, sorry, sorry, Blogger is playing up again leaving me with no pictures….. aghhhh… fingers crossed I’ve sorted it …….
Picture_058[4] Picture 058
My sister saw the badge (below) and really, really wanted it, but it was in a set of three and cost £10, which was a wee bit expensive.  So I said I would have a go at making her something similar using my Bandai Badge Maker (I have two, one bought from e-bay for about £5 and the other from a carboot for 20p including a full set of badges because the lady didn’t want to take it back home with her!)
It took a bit of computer jiggery pokery to get the size right so that it was centred in badge template but I got there in the end.
I_Love_Tea_Badge[8] I Love Tea BadgeBandai Badge MakerBandai_Badge_Maker[4]
  I myself prefer coffee, white with two sweeteners!!


  1. Oh!!! I want one!! Are you selling them?? xx

  2. I've been wanting to make my own badges, where can you buy a 'bandai badge maker' from?
    Cheeky I know but, you will tell me won't you, pretty please?

    I thought you were going to put up your new photo? LOL!

    Sandie xx

  3. Oh boo, I can't see your pics today! Muchos sadness = ( Xxx

  4. No pictures showing for me either! x

  5. I have the photos showing on my dashboard reading list... but not on site - weird!
    Still, I can say that they are really cute - and so very British! :)

  6. No pictures showing for me either!

  7. i have pictures and a badge maker it may be a toy but it works even with fabric i got one try ebay they often have them biglove marc

  8. Love them .. well done Helen with the pc jiggery pokery LOL.
    I am not 100% sure but I think the one your Sister originally saw is a bottle top made into a badge. I have the bottle tops but never managed to have a go at flatening them in the big shot! I too bought a badge maker off ebay, complete with all the badges etc. for less than £5.00
    Carole x

  9. Pictures have now appeared... thank you.

  10. is there any chance you can 'share' how you created these on publisher ?..I now have my badge making machine (thanks for the emial addy for the lady who was selling them ) but would like to design my own badges now but dont have a clue how to go about it!
    ..Thanks v much.x


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