Friday 8 July 2011

No Flies On Me!

Picture 176
Guess who went into raptures when she received a whole pile of flies through the post?
Jewelled flies
They were a wonderful present from my lovely follower Marc, boy does he know how to make a woman happy!!!!!  Oh my life!
No flies on us
I love them …. and am planning on embellishing every last one …… to use on canvases, cards and calendars …. but I could do with a few fly/flies related sayings like … time flies, flies round **** etc. any suggestions?  


  1. Just some quick thoughts. Please don't swot me, Flying high, I may not be pretty but I am loved, Lord of the Flies. They are daft thoughts but might set up a train of thought. Hugs Bee

  2. How about Fly-ing by to say hello! Love Jacky x

  3. Have to be honest with you Helen, these are not my cup of tea - far too realistic for my liking. So my saying would have to be "no flies on me". Lol. xx

  4. Oh my word - you just broke my nightmare from last night - I had an 'orrible dream that the house was infested with the blighters & try as I might, I could not get rid of them!!! How SPOOKY is that!

  5. lol i love what you have done with them i have sprayed them gold before and glitterd them and made hair clips for punks they are great for hallowen cards and trick a treat bags i new you would have fun with them big love marc

  6. This is what I love about your blog - you can take something very uninspiring to most of us and turn it in to a work of art. There are no flies on you! Marc - you seem to be very in tune with Helen! :o)

  7. Hmmmm - a funny twist on a romantic card with "Fly away with me!" Can you turn any of them into bees so that you can use all of the "Bee happy," "Bee mine," "Too good to bee true," etc. sentiments? Perhaps you could use them on a congrats card with "Flyin' high" or "Spread your wings and fly!" A few thoughts to kindle some sparks. :)

  8. are super creative. Glad I found your blog...I shared and linked on a couple of my sites. Look forward to seeing more of your creations!!

  9. Time flies when your having fun!


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