Wednesday 3 August 2011

Rico Creative Can Can Scarves

Rico Can Can Scarf
Last summer I raved about Rico Can Can wool after seeing it knitted in to scarves but didn’t have a clue how to use it or know anyone who could show me …. until yesterday, when I went into a wool shop in town and noticed the start of a scarf on the counter … so I asked the lady if she would show me “how it worked” …. two minutes later a ball of the yarn wool had myserriously dropped into my bag.
Rico Can Can
All the way home on the bus I went over and over in my mind what I had learnt and once I sat down and started knitting I was so excited I didn’t have my tea ‘till late. I was totally hooked, so much so I had both (150cm) scarves completed before bedtime!
I was a little unsure of casting off so went on YouTube and found this really simple demo on how to cast on, knit and cast off ….. brilliant!


  1. Wow they look fab funky and fun cleaver old you big love marc

  2. Marc .... I think Hugh would love a pink one the are almosy feather boa-esque!!I'll see what I can do!!

  3. Oh I love the texture in the scarves, I will have to investigate this lovely wool further!

  4. I found this lovely video on youtube which made me realise how EASY this stuff is to knit with :)
    I am not affiliated with this person but I really liked the slow pace, some tutorials are waaaaay to fast for my baby brain LOL

  5. That's fab Helen. I went to the market today to buy wool for some toys I want to knit for my daughter, and I spotted they had some web wool for £1 a ball. So I got two as like you we saw these in the winter but can can wool can be about £10 a ball. I am about to have a go, and will prob go back for more wool tomorrow if it works out! Ideal for christmas gifts! Your scarves are gorgeous!

  6. love the colour and ruffly look !

  7. oooh these are lovely - wool shops here we come!! x

  8. How spooky I am knitting one of these at the minute in exactly the same colourway!! It is taking me ages as I have dreadful RSI in my wrists which was caused by too much knitting so can only do a couple of rows and then have to leave it for a few days - at this rate it will be finished by winter!!!!

  9. I have a ball of very similar wool it's Sirdar Salsa - got it in the sale for £4 so it was a good buy. I love the colours in your scarf Helen. I have looked on internet for the same colour in the Rico wool but can't find it. Was this 1 ball you used or have you mixed the colours? If it is 1 ball can you tell me what colour description was on the wool band. It looks lovely - I love your blog!!!


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