Wednesday 27 July 2011

A Visit To SCARF – Decopatch Apple

Decopatch Apple 1
You may have noticed a bit of banter in the chatbox in the sidebar about me going to SCARF, a small resource centre in Wolverhampton. One of my friends is doing a Fine Arts Degree and I took her there to show her the array of goodies they have at very reasonable prices ….. she filled a carrier bag full of material for £3. ….
SCARF Wolverhampton
….. and I got five pretend apples for 35p each and some keyrings.  The keyrings were 5p each and I thought I would be able to take out the middles and put my own in …. but alas, they were jammed in solid! But I have a few other ideas for them …… so all is not lost (yet)!
decopatch Apple 2
I’ve wanted some apples for ages to see how they would look Decopatch-ed. On this I’ve used Peacock Feathers Print (538). To be honest I am always disappointed with how the Decopatch looks when I first put it on, even after using the proper glue, but after several coats of clear glossy varnish it always comes up a treat.
Decopatch Apple 4
Just for a laugh, I wondered how one of my jewelled flies would look sitting on my apple!
To give the apple an extra magical effect I rubbed a bit of StampinUp Dazzling Diamonds over it while the glue was still tacky and before the varnish.
Decopatch Apple
….. but what a nightmare it was to dry between several layers of varnish being round …. in the end I attached some cord to it and hung it from one of my mobiles!


  1. If those keyrings are the ones that I think they are( i.e. a plastic window set in)then there is a knack to opening them.
    Try turning the key fob over so that the window is underneath and give it a few sharp wacks against the edge of a table (not your best chippendale) and the window should fly out. Trust me I have done this so many times. Hugs Mrs A.

  2. in faith i have loved you knot with my eyes but with my heart for thees in thee a thousndand faults woulld draw to mind ,but it is with my heart for they would love and find all that my eyes would wont to see , and what my eye and heart can see is life and love and joy beyound belif hold on to every door and dream you open to be the person you can only be big love always and tommorrow marcxxx

  3. Love your apple, really different. Hugs Bee

  4. Stunning - would sell for a fortune in posh shops in London!

  5. Love the apple. Keyrings - I had some given to me. Try using a small sucker (the type you hang things on your window with (does that make sense?) and pulling the window part out - it works with me every time but you need patience.

  6. That apple is gorgeous! I can see several of them nestled in the branches of a Christmas tree or piled beautifully in a bowl. Nice work!

  7. This is probably getting so boring for you to read, but....
    Once again a fantabulosous project! *lol* So so beautiful... now I'm just waiting to see what you do with the keyrings...? :)

  8. Darn it - the moment my M&D move away from the West Mids - I find out about SCARF! My mum would of loved having a mooch for me!
    I know what you mean about the key rings.. but the sucker idea looks good - a toy arrow springs to mind.... Looking forward seeing your creations! Janex


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