Saturday 20 August 2011

And There’s A Little More To Come ….

birthday_cake-12417The My Memories giveaway is open until 27th August …. but as I am in celebratory mood I have some other little stamping surprises up my sleeve for the coming week that will only run for the day they are posted ……no links to follow or complicated stuff like that …. just a comment with a reliable e-mail …. and I’ll get my teapot of fortuitous fate  out at about seven o’clock in the evening to find a winner.


  1. Hope you're indulging in some yummy anniversary cake today! Please put my name in the teapot! xx

  2. Hope theres room in that teapot for me please?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Please may I go in the teapot and have a little stir my e-mail is Hugs Bee

  5. Well I like stamping and I like teapots!! Please may I go in yours?

  6. I'm rather partial to a bit of stamping so pretty please can I go in the teapot.

    Toni xx


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