Sunday 14 August 2011

Displays Using Tim Holtz Dies

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I once spent a whole year just doing displays in a school where I worked, it was such hard work!  I still do displays in the school where I now work, but not on quite such a grand scale.
Picture 312
A few days ago I showed you the display of Replica Photo Albums I made for my schools centenary celebrations and thought that today I would show you a few of the others I put together.Picture 316
The display above is the Music Lesson Board and you will see that I have used Tim Holtz Tattered Florals, Tattered Leaves and Caged Bird dies to make up the borders, as well as old musical instrument Christmas decorations, and old sheet music. Some of the music I have used as it was and some I have photocopied onto green paper for the leaves.  The music symbols were cut on the office Craft Robbo, (which I asked for not long after I arrived) …. this board was a labour of love!
The next board was also for the Music Department, it was so big that I decided to divide it into two.  The one half celebrates the achievements of the girls who gained distinctions in their music exams and the other side is a montage of old photographs from past concerts and productions.  I scanned the original pictures (both modern and old) and then re-coloured them in sepia tones to give it a shabby chic /centenary type feel.
Picture 318
Again, I’ve used old sheet music and covers for the background and borders
Picture 319
The next display board for the RS Department is a bit brighter, with a more modern feel to celebrate 400 years of the King James Bible.
Music board
I’ve taken a poster for the event, photocopied it to A3 size and then cut out segments to use as a background and as a frame for the information and photographs.
Picture 329
I think I enjoyed doing this display the most! During a sort out of cupboards I found boxes of old sewing paraphernalia and some original smocking, then imagine my surprise when looking through the archives I found photos showing girls actually doing the smocking!
Picture 331
In fact at one of the Open Days an Old Girl actually recognised her own smocking!
Picture 332
Finally a display of pastel drawings done by the girls this year of various views of the school …..
Picture 326
…… intermingled with old photographs of the same views.
Picture 328
Putting up of a display doesn’t take that long, but the preparation ….. oh my life, that can take me days, although it doesn’t really show ….
Picture 327
….. but when I am doing something really special I like to double mount everything ….. I must be mad!


  1. you should be proud of these displays i would use any one of them i have worked with pros who dont have the insight and forthought to do what you have done these are fab way past being a average school display big love marc

  2. Oh my, they are wonderful! As a teacher I appreciate the effort that goes in to display boards, but these are AMAZING! You must work in a lovely school if you're given time to do these amazing displays, and also the kids respect them enough not to ruin them!!!

  3. WOW! I thought my TA and I did some good displays till I saw yours they are amazing! I can only reiterate Bumblebee's comment re your school, in mine they would be somewhat depleted by now unfortunately:(

    valerie x

  4. Stunning displays, the school are very lucky to have you there! The smocking takes me back far too many years haha - I think I did in needlework 'O' Level - now whats an 'O' Level some might ask?!?!?!?

  5. What a lot of work you've put into these displays. They're all fabulous - I love the mix of the old and the new. I can only agree, it must be a lovely school. xx

  6. As a former school teacher, I can only ask: 'where were you when I needed you?'

  7. Wonderful displays I would have really enjoyed seeing them in real life. Doing displays is one of the things I miss about my teaching days even though it meant a 7 am start. hugs Bee

  8. These are some really really gorgeous and detailed displays, you should be incredibly proud of your work as these are just gorgeous!

  9. Amazing, Helen, your talents know no bounds! The school must be delighted with them.


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