Friday 26 August 2011

Friday – Last Giveaway Today!

Picture 368
Today I’ve got a set of Clear Choice Foliage stamps to giveaway …. , you’ve got until 7.00 pm tonight to leave a comment before I get my teapot of fortuitous fate out from which to draw the winners name….. UK only - sorry


  1. Thank you Helen for another chance to win some goodies - it has been lovely celebrating your Blogaversary with you.

    Toni xx

  2. Stamps look lovely and I haven't got them already so please put my name into your teapot.

    Lynn x

  3. Thanks for giving us a chance to win your candy, looking forward to seeing Peggy on the calendar!

  4. I love lookin at ur blog everyday as you are so creative, if only i can get my brain that way. would love to be put in your teapot please. Thanks take it easy xxx

  5. These are fab stamps, I love your little peg doll, so sweet

  6. Gorgeous stamps, please add my name to the teapot. Good luck to everyone who enters. xxxxx

  7. A versatile set of stamps! You can never have too many leaves x

  8. Please enter me into the draw for these stamps-they are lovely

    I love the book you've made-I may have to to try something similar-when i find the time!!

  9. You are a real inspiration. I love checking out your blog each day. You have loads of ideas that in my mind I will try out, but don't usually get round to! Please keep blogging.

  10. Ooh, I'd love to win these. Please put my name into the pot. Have a fab Friday. xx

  11. What a week - excellent giveaways! Does this mean you now have more room so will have to buy more stash? LOL!

  12. I'm such a naughty blogger 'cos I read yours every day but rarely comment and it takes a giveaway of a set of leaf stamps to make me do so! I'm a sucker for trees and leaves :0)

  13. love all trees and foliage, and would love these! (still feel a little cheeky as I have already been fortunate enough to have won some!)

  14. I love, love, love these stamps. Thanks for letting us celebrate your bloganniversary with you.

  15. Gorgeous stamps, thanks for the chance to win them.

  16. Please put me in the tea pot Id love to win these lovely stamps.

  17. I'd love to be in the Teapot please :) Love your blog and thank you for the chance to win them :)

  18. Hi Helen thanks for the chance to win these FAB!!! stamps!

  19. yep even i need these as i have lots of flower things to make and stamp so put me in the pot big love marc

  20. Ooo nearly missed it. Pick me pick me:)

  21. Thanks for chance again for great stamps. You are very generous as you always seem to have a giveaway when I look here.


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