Saturday 6 August 2011

Sea Glass Heart Canvas

sea glass heart canvas 1
I’ve been tidying my craft room and found a small bag of polish sea glass …… I also found a canvas measuring 15cm x 15cm. …….
sea glass heart canvas
I cut out a heart and used it as a template on the canvas,  drawing very lightly round it with pencil and then began placing the glass pieces on the outline, chopping and changing their positions until I was happy.  When I was happy I used a strong PVA glue to secure them.  I’m dead chuffed!


  1. and chuffed you should be... tidying up in a craft room is not a task to be undertaken lightly - lol! PS love the canvas!!

  2. great canvas i love sea glass i wire wrap mine and make little charms out of them big love marc

  3. Thank you for the beautiful ones you sent me Marc xxxx Its an idea I really must have a go at xxx

  4. Love it Helen! As always, you came up with the goods! Di X

  5. Wow Helen, This is fab! I love sea glass and these colours are gorgeous against the white card. Have you read Anita Shreve's book "Sea Glass", it's a lovely read. xx

  6. Sea glass always reminds me of how we all go through life, starting out with some sharp edges, but softening and becoming more beautiful with age. I love your canvas!

  7. I have been collecting sea glass from local beaches for a while now and have a nice collection. Trouble is, I have no idea what to do with it. I had thought of glueing it onto glass in a heart shape to hang in a window but had never quite got round it.

    Thanks for sharing your ideas!


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