Wednesday 24 August 2011

Seashell Picture Frame

Yesterday, I had planned/promised myself that I would finally clean the utility room as it was an … erm, mess!  But I had this idea niggling in my head and I just had to go up to my craft room …. after all, the dust would only come back …
seashell picture frame
So I used a wooden frame that I got from Hobbycraft for £1.29 (I think), the opening of which measures 4ins x 6ins and some seashells (the sort that come in half a coconut shell) that my lovely friend Marc had sent me in a wonderful treasure filled parcel, plus a few shells that I had collected on various holidays.
DecoArt Frame Stencil 
….. Then I got to thinking about the large plastic roses I had disassembled from a Primark bracelet a while ago and wondered if they would sort of go together with the shells.
So starting again and positioning the roses on the frame first, I gradually built the shells up around them, trying to keep the design symmetrical but without looking too regimented using a glue gum to fix them in place when I was happy.
It looked pretty good as it was, if I say so myself …. but then a nagging voice in my head said “Now spray it with the £1 can of car paint you got from Penkridge Market”  Agghhhhh, I liked it as it was ….. and if the paint didn’t work, it would all be ruined …… but despite my angst I gave in to the voices in my head!! 
Anyway ……. I love it!  I think I am going to use it as a mirror, I reckon  a Poundland bathroom mirror will fit into the back quite nicely.  Thank you Marc …. I couldn’t have done it without you x


  1. This is really pretty Helen. The roses work so well with the shells - fab project.

    Toni xx

  2. So pretty!!! You have such an eye for detail, a lovely holiday reminder too. x x

  3. a beautiful frame, yes a mirror would look good


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