Monday 22 August 2011

Tivoli Whirl – Ruffled Scarf

My apologies as my pictures just do not pick up the bright vibrant rainbow colours of this yarn.
 Tivoli Whirl Bright Rainbow Mix
I’ve been knitting again!  The shop I go to in Wolverhampton always has such interesting bits of knitting by the till, it must be a cunning selling ploy, because curiosity always gets the better of me …. I ask what it is and how it knits up… and before I know it another ball of wool has found it’s way into my bag!
Bright Rainbow Tivoli Whirl Ruffle Scarf
Anyway, this scarf is made using one ball of Tivoli Whirl, it cost me just under £5 and it is enough to make one scarf.  The shade I have used is called Bright Rainbow Shade 962 and took me about 3 hours to knit on 8mm needles and 9 stitches. You knit it in the same way as Rico Loopy yarn and demos can be found on YouTube.
Tivoli Whirl


  1. Beautiful colour yarn - so bright & cheerful.

    Toni xx

  2. Fab bright and chery scarf Helen. I have been busy knitting up can can scarfs of late. I'm going to try and Loopy next!!
    Hugs, Victoria ~x~

  3. Goodness, how do you manage to knit this without getting all tangled up. It's fab. xx

  4. Its lovely - you've got me going on knitting these frilly type scarves - can't wait to go on my Jolly Hollies in September to be able to start on my gifts for Christmas - I need to keep my fingers busy with something!

  5. I have made several Can Can scarves. i like the rainbow colour efrect with this wool. Good value too.

  6. great even if you dont knit for useing on cards and wraping gifts for jewllery ect i can see this on lots of things thanks for pointing it out big love marc

  7. great even if you dont knit for useing on cards and wraping gifts for jewllery ect i can see this on lots of things thanks for pointing it out big love marc

  8. sorry dont no why it did that so many times big love marc

  9. Was it just me who read it as 'Ravioli Whirl'?
    Looks fab - wish I could knit


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