Sunday, 25 September 2011

Halloween Jar Lantern

Halloween Jar Lantern 1
I thought I would have a go at making a Halloween jar lantern like I have seen on American craft site/blogs.  I didn’t have any orange Decopatch paper, so I thought I would give some of the orange tissue paper I already had a try.  It wasn’t as strong as Decopatch but it worked with a gentler touch than my norm!
Halloween Jar Lantern
Once the jar was covered, I cut out two faces using a lightweight black paper and stuck them on both sides of jar, over the tissue paper. and then followed this with several layers of clear glossy varnish.  The hanger was made using red string and lots of knots.
Picture 356
Very spooky!


  1. a fab fun make you did a good job on this as you used things you had big love marc

  2. This is fab, it actually looks quite spooky! xx


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