Tuesday 13 September 2011

Sticker Advent Calendar

Sticker Advent Calendar 2
I have lots of tiny leftover Christmas stickers from Paperchase and Accessorize and it seems such a waste not to use them … so I’ve come up with this idea…. a sticker advent calendar. It's an idea for a child/children, where they can choose a sticker/s and put them the on the calendar, perhaps with a bit of colouring in the days leading up to Christmas. 
I made the calendar part by creating table in Publisher, with spaces big enough to put a sticker, it was a bit trial and error taking  me about half an hour to get right.
 Sticker Advent Calendar Assorted Christmas Stickers
I’ve mat and layered the calendar, first on silver and then red card and put adhesive magnetic tape on the back so it will stick on a fridge etc., but a loop of ribbon could be added instead. Finished, the calendar measures 6.5 x 6.5 inches.
Sticker Advent Calendar 1
Then I’ve taken an empty sticker sheet, put an assortment of my leftover festive stickers on it.  That’s it.  Naturally I’ve have gone all fiddle farty and added doodles to each space …. but that’s just me …..
If I were into scrapbooking … I think I would try to work a scrapbook/journal page around it after it was completed as a lasting memory.


  1. You're on to a winner here Helen, young kids just love stickers. A fabulous idea! xx

  2. Love it Helen, will definately be making this one with the kids!


  3. fab idea, the children will love this countdown

  4. What a fun idea ...perfect for young children ...they really love stickers.

  5. just a thought but if you laminated it then it could be reused next year?

  6. This.

    Will be nicking this idea like mad !!!


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