Wednesday 12 October 2011

I Love Mr Fiddle Fart (The Duke)

andys nokia 451
Look what Mr Fiddle Fart has given me ….. I am so thrilled …. I wanted a Polaroid camera so that I can go out with my Smashbook, capture the moment and then instantly stick in the picture…. digital cameras are brilliant but this is the dogsdoodahs!!!


  1. OOOOOOOOo lucky you..... Mr Fart must love you lol

  2. A polaroid camera - now that takes me right back to the 70s. Awesome gift from a candidate for husband of the year - I can just imagine the searching he had to do to find that. Enjoyed reading back through your posts and love the look of the Cath Kidston project - gorgeous colours. Hope you have a good week. Elizabeth x

  3. you have a good man in that duke of yours you can do so much with them big love marc


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