Sunday 2 October 2011

Recycled Suitcase

I’d never thought of covering a proper suitcase before until I saw this suitcase by Mitzi Curi
I was so inspired I just had to have a go and fortuitously I’ve had this old Marks and Sparks suitcase in my craft room for years.
The inside is beautiful, if a little crumbly but I’m leaving it as it is for now.
recycled suitcase 1 recycled suitcase 2
The first thing I’ve done is spray the catches and outer plastic rims with gold spray paint to hid the rust and freshen them up.
recycled suitcase 3 recycled suitcase 4
I decided to use papers from a DCWV Spring Glitter stack as the quality is strong and thick and as all the designs are of the same colour pallet so I don’t  have to worry about matching everything together.  I’ve done the fiddly corners and rivety bits first and have got as far as covering the top.
andys nokia 093
Finishing it off will take me a bit of time …. but when it’s done I’ll show you again… As I’ve got a few days away booked in November I’m using that as my deadline… even if I’m not absolutely sure I will actually use it!


  1. It's looking good already. Make sure the boys don't nab it when it's finished though!!!!

  2. looking good give it a good seal to protect it( i hope you got my email on floor shine give it a test run )like the bright papers they say holiday to me in a sunny sort of way great idea even if you don't use it for a holiday would make a fab picnic box or just storage big love Marc

  3. What a great WIP ...maybe you could store special memeories in it. xx

  4. Aww Helen - its looking beautiful already - can't wait to see the end result - x x x

  5. Thats gorgeous, will have to look for an old suitcase now lol


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