Saturday 15 October 2011

What’s In The Shops …

Accessorise Halloween Stickers
Accessorize are just starting to get in their new stickers  (£1.75 a pack).  To be honest, though cute, the Halloween ones are not a patch on last years, with a more limited range of characters etc. and so are a little less versatile.
Accessorize Chrostmas Snowman Stickers
And the snowman are also “nice” with a slight sprinkle of glitter, which personally I could have done without, but they are nothing to blow me away, but I am still interested to see what else they bring out in the next few weeks
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Now to Marks and Spencer, where they have a 3 for 2 offer at the moment on some of their Christmas ranges ……
Marks and Spencer Jazzie Trousers Gingerbreadmen
How cute are these Jazzie Trousers gingerbread men?  Talk about made for me ….. normally £2 for a box of 10!  They have got my name written all of them, and I suspect my lovely friend and blog commenter Marc will also be buying them by the truck load.  I LOVE them!
Marks and Spencer Merry Men Chocolate Gingerbreadmen
Not content with Jazzie Trousers …. M & S have also got chocolate gingerbread men ….. I have got a HUGE feeling that gingerbread men and red and white gingham are going to be so on trend this Christmas and I am going to be in my festive element!
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There are eight chocolates in a pack which cost £3.  But as I made full use of the offer I paid £6 for two packs of chocolates and one pack of biscuits…… but undoubtedly I will be going back for a few more before the offer ends.  I am planning on splitting the packs to make up small fairing gifts to give instead of cards to the people I see everyday at work.
Poundland Glass Paperweight
And finally back to Poundland where from the top picture this looks like nothing …..
Poundland paperweight photoframe
….. but it’s a paperweight photo frame that I found hidden amongst the Christmas stuff ….. I am in two minds as to whether to make a festive paperweight for my festive desk at work or something to use all year round ….. hmmmm!


  1. The gingerbread men with sprinkles look like they're wearing Hawiian shorts... I like them! Looking forward to your 'makes' Janex

  2. yep i have my eye on them in a big way its to scary you know me even tho we never meet and only been friends less than a year ,i have something for you that i know you will love and it involves you making your own chocolate men and also some other bits that were for Christmas but need to be sent now so you can make he most of them
    i just made a Christmas ginger breadman garland but instead of gingerbread i made it out of salt dough men with ginger and mixed spice mixed in so it smells like Christmas but will last longer i used pva glue mixed with flour and food coloring as the icing i have joined it buy the hands with tartan ribbon made the holes first before i baked them also added a bit of brown paint to mix so they looked the right color thanks for pointing out whats out there big love Marc

  3. save the pack the chocolate gingerbread men came in you could use for ice cubes or even plaster of paris i am sure your find a use for them big love marc

  4. Mmmm.... hungry.....

    luv, Mags x!

  5. Now I'm really hungry for gingerbread! Absolutely love that ornament card -and how easy to mass produce for the holidays.

  6. I saw some chocolate casino chips in Tesco and I thought of you. The paperweight looks nice!

  7. Sorry, forgot I'd already mentioned the casino chips. I thought of doing sweetie bags with 'do you feel lucky?' on it. I might do some Christmas ones for a school Christmas fair. They might be a hit with the kids.


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