Monday 14 November 2011

A Weekend Away From It All

I’ve just got back from a weekend near Christchurch in Dorset …. and my current object of desire is …..
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…… a beach hut at Hengistbury Head ….. soooooo beautiful and peaceful …… making work and real life just melt away and seem a million miles away.
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…… Later on in the day, fancying a coffee, we popped into a lovely Coffeehouse and Smoothie Bar called Blend, (74 High St, Christchurch, BH23 1BN) …….
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…… where on a table, I found a ball of wool attached to a huge length of knitting and the invitation to knit a few rows ……
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……. how could I resist? And so, between sips of my posh coffee, I added about another three inches. The scarf is being knitted to raise funds for a local hospice, so if you are passing by why not add a few more rows!
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While in the New Forest I spotted this beautiful mushroom, …. mushrooms always make me feel all magical and mystical, goodness knows why….
……. and I got a picture of the Duke amongst the ponies.  The weather was glorious…. the weekend was perfect ….. bliss!


  1. i love a beach hut and the new forest is fab looks like you had a great time big love marc

  2. Never been down to Dorset but it looks gorgeous & what a fab idea with the scarf. xx

  3. never been to that part of England but it sounds like a wonderful week-end. a great fund-raising idea for the longest scarf!

  4. As I live in Dorset, Hengisbury Head is one of my favourite places for a walk. Have you done a google to see how much the beach huts sell for? Make sure you are sitting down!!!

  5. Aww, looks like you bhad a lovely time. What a lovely idea to have a scarf that people add to. How lovely and wonderful that is x

  6. gorgeous pics - weekend sounds fabulous!! We can all have dreams.... **sigh**....! x


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