Saturday 31 December 2011

2012 Jar Lantern

It’s New Years Eve and I have a spooky sort of Derek Acorah type feeling it’s going to be quite a year!
2012 Jar Lantern 
And for my final post of 2011 I have made this lantern for my sister Jan who has been working so hard for many years towards being  part of the 2012 Olympics Games in London as a Games Maker.
 2012 New year Jar Lantern
She is going to be part of the "Swimming Team" at the Pool, Village and Swimming Training Centre and then followed by a stint at the Paralympics.  It has been made with love to show that her dream will burn brighter and brighter with each passing day until the time for her to shine is finally arrives!

1 comment:

  1. The lantern is lovely Helen and very apt for the purpose.

    I have friends & colleagues who will be helping at the Olympics and I also work with Christine Ohurougu's mum so on one hand things are very exciting and on the other I am dreading the journey to work each day during the 10 weeks of 'Games' disruption.

    Here's to an interesting 2012.
    Toni xx


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