Wednesday 4 January 2012

Attention To Detail

I am very partial to a sugared almond or two, in fact if they made a perfume that smelt exactly the same I would definitely wear it as my signature whiff of choice!
Sugared almonds bowl
But why I am showing you this is you may be asking?  Well it’s to show you my sisters  attention to detail when she made up this Christmas present for me, she has only matched the almonds, including the silver ones to perfectly to the bowl, magic!!


  1. I too love sugar almonds. It's one of our traditions that hubby goes to the local market at Christmas and buys a big bag of them for me. I must have a matching dish! Please ask her where she bought it.

  2. wow!!!!! I guess that makes her an honorary fiddle farter?!

  3. Attention to detail clearly runs through the family - lol!
    PS - they look deelish! x


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