Thursday 12 January 2012

Decopatch Teapot Flowerpots

decopatch teapot flowerpotI was given this book for Christmas and some of the ideas are just too wonderful for words!
Everything AliceIt was this idea for a fabric covered teapot/plant pot that got me thinking …. wondering if I could substitute the fabric for Decopatch paper.
Everything Alice Fabric Covered teapots
….. And how fortuitous that I have a huge box of brown teapots in the shed already! I used to buy them up at 50p a go at car boots years ago because I wanted to paint them to look like Christmas puddings (but that, as of yet has not happened).
Decopatch TeapotsAnyway they Decopatched a treat and didn’t take that long but the  5/6 layers of clear varnish took a few days to complete.
Decopatch flowerpot teapot
I am putting them (and all the others I hope to make) aside until Mother’s day when I plan to plant a pansy etc. in them.


  1. Fabby and a lovely idea for Mothers Day.

  2. I'm with Sue - fab & perfect for Mothers Day - well done on such a pretty idea and so appropriate! x

  3. These are fab and will look great planted up. Can't help wondering how many maltesers are left in the jar now though!! xx

  4. Hi hon, so glad you love our book! Your deocpatch teapot post looks great, do upload the photos to us on the Your Alice page of the website It would be a welcome addition.

    Best wishes,

    Hannah x
    (author of Everything Alice)

  5. wow........ I love these Helen, a bargin make with bits and bobs and the will look lush with a plant inside


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