Sunday, 29 January 2012

Valentine Bags Of Love

Valentine Bags of Love
It’s been really hard to find good quality Valentines sweets in the shops this year, I had been really hoping that Tesco would do their nets of Love Bugs again this year …. but unfortunately they haven’t …. so I have really had to scratch about for bits and pieces.  There are a few nets of chocolates about but there are not enough contents to justify buying them to split up for the price.  I  think that I may struggle at Easter too to keep prices down, as I only like to use recognised brands of chocolates.
Anyway, I managed to find bags of chocolate hearts in Marks and Spencer at £2.50 for about 25 chocolates and bags of 16 small packets of Love Hearts and Thorntons Love Rocks in Poundworld…..
Love HeartsThorntons Love Rocks
I’ve bulked up my bags with a mix of small lollies, chocolate coins, a milky way and strawberry chews.
Valentine bag Of Love sweetie favor bag
I simply put them in a cello bags, with a ribbon and wooden tags (which were a present from my Crafty friend Carly). I find that people at work like to buy “Penny Bags ” like these for their children …..I now all I have to do is cross my fingers and hope they will go down well ……


  1. they look fab and i would buy them as they look the part you could always pack them out with red sweets of jelly type nature cherrys ,lips , ect if they were for friends and family i know you will sell the lot big love marc
    ps get monkey and dco to help you sell them mind you they just might eat the lot lol b

  2. These look fab Helen. You're right about the price of sweeties these days - don't think my kids believed me when I said you used to get half penny sweets! xx

  3. 'Love' the bags! Just thought I'd let you know ASDA have nets of Bugs and Hearts. x


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