Monday 9 January 2012

Wooden Birthday Tags

Wooden Birthday cake tags
These wooden tags take me back to my very early forays into crafting, so I reckon  I must have had them for at least 5/6 years.  They seem so old fashioned now, and it’s about time they were used!
wooden domino tags
The base of the tags are made using old children’s dominoes found on e-bay with the picture side covered with a patterned paper. Finding a a matching paper was a nightmare but I think this subtle gingham has worked out OK.Wooden Birthday Cake tag
I have handwritten the sentiment and added my signature faux stitching!  Et Voila … a pile of ancient wooden embellishments finally all used up!


  1. Ah! You knew they would come in handy one day! Eat your heart out 'House Doctor', she would have made you put them in that machine that chews up stuff ! LOL!

    Sandie xx

  2. As a self confessed hoarder of 'I can do something crafty with that' sort of items, I'm loving this idea. Nice one!

    Lyn x

  3. A nifty idea, would look great on a card blank too. xx

  4. What a fantastic idea! we were going through my son's toys the other day, deciding which things were too babyish for him, and he put a set of these in the 'to go' pile. I think I will just go and get them and put them in my 'to keep' pile.
    Thanks for the idea.
    Joanne x


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