Monday 6 February 2012

My Guest Crafter Today …..Ellie


One of the Year 7 students Ellie at school bought me this adorable felted penguin she made after getting the Kirsty Allsopp craft book for Christmas to see and I promised I would make her one of my guest crafters. How cute is he??

Felted PenguinI also tried to persuade her that it really belonged on my desk, but she was having none of it!


  1. How cute is that little pengie. Well done Ellie! xx

  2. Awwww sooo cute, I have been wanting to try felting ever since i saw it on the Kirsty Allsop, TV programme, it looks fun, Ellie has done a wonderful job with her penguin. Lou x

  3. Really cute, tell Ellie it's really great love it. Hugs Bee

  4. He looks great! Well done to Ellie for getting into crafting :o)

  5. Ellie's going to be serious craft contender in a few years. Her little penguin is adorable. Please pass it along (from Minnesota, USA).

  6. How cute. what a wonderful pingu. Hope ellie continue with her crafting. Good relaxation time during exams!! Louise xx

  7. wow, clever Ellie, what a cute penguin!

  8. what a fab make and a wonderful bit of art i am so glad you made some thing from the book you got as that makes it special for the person who gave you the book well done you and i must say its one of the crafts to be doing at the mo next your be wanting a felting machine i know i do lol big love and keep on crafting Marc


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