Sunday 26 February 2012

My Maltesers Bag

Everyone knows that Maltesers are my absolute confectionary of choice, but just in case anyone doesn’t, I though I would make a bag proclaiming my undying love for the little beauties and to carry my weekly plunder supply home in!!
Maltesers Bag 1
I’ve put a design on both sides of the bag, just in case my message was missed!
Maltesers bag
I’ve used a cotton bag from Hobbycraft costing 99p, they are O.K, but a little thin and I don’t really think they would stay looking good for too long.  So I am looking to find some better quality ones if anyone can point me in the right direction as I would like to make some more “Fiddle Fart Funny Bags” to put away for presents.


  1. Just love this as I am a big Malteser fan too!

  2. there are some cotton canvas bags on ebay, some seem to be thicker than others, but might be worth a try. I love the ideas you have for printing them.

  3. look at baker ross they have some callaco ones they are a round 1.30 but are large big love marc great bag

  4. Mmmm maltesers....they are NOT for sharing!

  5. on UKS someone mentioned cleverbaggers - they might have what you are after....

  6. Absolutely fab bag, just love it! You should start up an on-line shop!
    Joanne x

  7. How fab is that - I bought some transfer paper last year to make the kids some t-shirts, looks like they'll be getting bags too


  8. Have a look on crafty crocodiles website, my daughter had one to decorate and it wasnt too thin


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