Thursday 8 March 2012

A Blast From The Past

This card is A5 in size and is made using white linen effect card.
This is a blast from the past …. the original Sizzix Doll Body was one of the first dies I ever bought when you couldn’t move for cards with these characters on!  I made this card for a friends Wedding Anniversary, she has asked me to make her a card every year, always including a bald gentleman in dungarees (her husband!).  I feel I have gone back in time with this card but my lady was thrilled!


  1. Ha - Helen. I have those dies, and I refuse to part with them. They are great for doing little characters. Lovely card!

  2. this is fab and those diys should be used again they are now retro but if you use pro markers ect on them it gives them a new look i did post today but seems to have gone


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