Tuesday 6 March 2012

Cards Made Using Fizzy Moon Celebrations – 8ins x 8ins Pyramage Pad

I have a confession …….
Fizzy moon Card 1
I never ever thought I would have any pyramage on my blog, it’s just not my thing BUT …. I was browsing the reduced craft items at my local garden centre and picked up a Fizzy Moon Celebrations decoupage pad which had been reduced I ummmed and ahhhhed and then put it back.
Fizzy Moon card 2
Then as I wandered round I thought that for the price of the pad I’d get 24 toppers from it (for 24 cards) which worked out at 25p each …. and the designs would probably go down well in my box at work.
Fizzy Moon Card 4
So the pad went into my basket …..
Fizzy Moon Card 5
….. It was only when I got home and looked at the pad again that I realised I had picked the wrong one up, they looked so similar, but  had in fact bought the pyramage one!  Aggghhhh
Fizzy Moon Card 6
So I shoved it in the back of my cupboard, very cross with myself …. for not having paid enough attention to what I was doing.
Fizzy Moon Card
Then the pad started niggling at me because I knew if I left it there it would stay there forever and I would have wasted my money ……. so I took a deep breath and made them all up, and now time will tell if they go!
I’ve used Creative Paper Strips in Gingham and Dots from Handy Hippo for the backgrounds.


  1. i am a bit like you when it comes to it i am not to keen on any of the coupages lol , but they do sell well and those cards are fresh and bright and we cant always like what we sell lol big love Marc

  2. I think they will sell, they are lovely, and the images are perfect for this time of the year, I love the simple design and the backgrounds Lou xxx

  3. Yes, have to agree, they're not my cup of tea but decoupage etc is very popular so I'm sure they'll be snapped up! xx

  4. I know what you mean about pyramage - not my think either yet I do quite like decoupage. I'm sure they'll sell - they are still lovely

    Sharon xx


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