Friday 30 March 2012

Doodled New Home Card

This card measures 12.5 cm x 12.5cm.
New Home Card
I’m not a very good drawer, but I needed a “New Home” card in a hurry and this is what I came up with! 
Doodled New Home Card
At least you can say it’s an absolute original!


  1. Its Brilliant - you are a good drawer xx

  2. its fab and you should so do more
    of your designs this would make a fab digi stamp and did i say i love it big love marc

  3. Fantastic card Helen. You say you cant draw... the most that i can do is draw a cat with 2 circles, infant school style!! Louise xx

  4. That is great Helen and Marc's right this would make a great design for a digi stamp or even a clear stamp!!

    Big hugs
    Roni :o) xox

  5. wow - I just love this, would make a stamp or even a cross stitch :)


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