Tuesday 10 April 2012

What’s Been On My Knitting Needles ……

Baby Sweater.
It’s been ages since I have knitted anything of a garment type nature, dish clothes and scarves seem to have dominated my knitting needles of late. But with a spate of babies at work I decided to attempt something a little more complicated and found this very simple but stylish pattern free from this site http://www.bernat.com/pattern.php?PID=4147&cps=21191 and I love that you can print it off in PDF form  http://www.bernat.com/data/pattern/pdf/Bernat_KW530167_07_kn_pullover.en_US.pdf
Baby Sweater
I chose to knit it in this a soft grey because it would be suitable for either a  boy or  girl (I detest lemons and pale greens!) and it would match with almost any other colour.
The site is well worth a look. I already have my eye on knitting these adorable booties to go with the jumper,  but I might add a little button on them to zhuzh them up!
Watch this space ……


  1. So cute and cozy. Wish I could knit. x

  2. Love the jumper and the slips. I would love a pair of these but looking at the pattern they do not come in a big enough size!! Louise xx

  3. Makes a change doesn't it to make a garment - I knitted a baby jumper & beanie hat at the weekend for the 'fish & chip' babies out in Africa.

    I love the little shift you have knitted...sooooooo cute.

    Toni xx


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