Friday 6 April 2012

Winnie The Pooh Card

This card measures 4.25 ins x 6.5ins and is made using white linen effect paper.
Winnie The Pooh Card
My apologies, this is a card that I made ages ago, but I have moved it around in the blog scheduling every time I have made, what I thought was something more interesting! There are no real card making skills here whatsoever, it was just a matter of a bit of mat and layering on some cloud effect paper and then plonking the stickers on top, very less is more.

With money being tight,  a  crafty bargain is only a bargain when I can use the items almost straight away, making a set of cards quickly and getting them in my box at work as soon as I can, done and dusted, as was the case with these stickers........
Jolees Boutique Winnie The Pooh Stickers
..... they are by Jolees Boutique and cost £1 for 3 packs, which wasn't too bad , as I think they usually sell for over £2 a pack and almost everyone loves Winnie the Pooh.

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