Wednesday 27 June 2012

New Look Crafting Space and Online Again!

I love my kids so much  ….. over the past four weeks they have so wonderful, I don’t think I can ever thank them enough, they have sorted absolutely everything out for me, and I mean everything, the only thing I have had to do on  my own  is work out how to order my weekly shop online from Tesco!!  I am soooooo pathetic!!
New Look Craftroom
I moved ‘my’ computer up into my craft room, it made sense as the office is no longer an office …… but with the move I lost my internet access ….. however the Lovely Laura (Toms partner) consulted her dad and he being a computer wizard came up with the idea of a usb wireless adapter …… and as you can see by this post it works a like a dream! I feel I have a tiny bit of normality back ….. and can put my energies into something more creative than just sorting and cleaning which is what I have  mostly been doing …… as you can probably tell by the neatness of the room!!!


  1. Hoping there will be many good times in your new computer space...wonderful to have help from caring friends...Dianne

  2. So glad you have your internet back and can make use of your computer in your craft room.

  3. Hope your table soon gets messy or as messy as it ever gets. Louise xx

  4. what a lovely family you have, pleased you are back on line and I'm sure the computer will be more use in your craft space,

  5. Great to have you back on line. Your crafting/computer space looks great. When I moved my PC into my new craft room I had problems with internet access. Hubby bought what looks like huge electric plugs and the internet is carried through the electric wires in the house - sorted!

  6. Glad to see and hear that things are improving for you Helen, after such a difficult few weeks. Looking forward to seeing future posts from your newly set up computer facility. Take care.
    Toni xx

  7. Great that you have your Internet sorted.

    Toni xx

  8. Glad to hear you've got it sorted out so quickly. Best wishes. xx

  9. so happy your back with out really going so dont go any were again just stay and play with us keep being creative having 3 dogs i am always cleaning this year there has been so much dog hair i could knit a coat lol big love marc ps your kids are fab becuase they love you and becuase you have done so much for them big love


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