Tuesday 19 June 2012

Off Line .... But Not For Long I Hope!

Because I am in the process of winding up Andy's business, I have had to cancel the office Internet account, which is where I do all my blogging. However, I am planning on moving the computer into my craftroom and having Internet access in there, but this will take a little time and sorting ..... To keep the blog going I have moved all my already prepared Christmas posts to cover August/September, hoping that I will be sorted during that time.
But I'll be honest with you, before I lost Andy I had planned to end ItsAllFiddleFart on 1st January 2013 anyway, as writing two blogs takes so much time .... so perhaps this is a spooky Derek Acorah way of telling me that in the coming months I will need to concentrate my time doing other things. 


  1. Hope youre doing ok. Keep being strong. x

  2. I often wondered where you found the time to do all your blogging with work as well as crafting lol..... I would certainly miss all your fab work, especially with the Elizabeth Shaw mints.......I love my visits to your blog as there is always something different!.
    Take a little time to yourself and see where your path lies.
    Keep busy and strong.

  3. Aw Helen, sometimes things do take a path for some unknown reason. I think you'll make your own decisions over the next couple of months - if you decide not to continue Fiddle Fart, it's been HUGE fun and I've been watching for so long you wouldn't believe it. Looooong before I began blogging myself I found inspiration from you.

    Trust me, making 220 packets up with two ES mints in, all scalloped with school logo on for last year's school reunion your ears should have been burning :)

    Hugs, Di xx

  4. You must do what is best for you and the family, Helen. Making big decisions in the earliest days is not easy so maybe it is better to leave those that can wait to do just that. Coming back to a dormant blog would not be that hard, would it? And one day it might be just what you want to do.

    Take care, you'll be missed and supported from afar.

  5. Wow, you are prepared in advance - Christmas already?

    I knew you were thinking of moving on from these blogs but it will still be a(nother) sad day when you do. We will all miss your wonderful, inspirational and fun makes and ideas for our own crafting. (Wonders what you're thinking of doing...?)

    I am sorry I haven't written until now, I never know what to say in difficult circumstances but I've been following you (with hanky in hand) every day without fail. All the best in your absence and all of us will welcome you back when you return. xx

  6. (((hugs)))

    I get so much inspiration from your blog Helen, so I look forward to seeing your Christmas posts. It will be sad if you do disappear from blogland totally. I have always admired how you have managed to keep both blogs going with daily (and sometimes more) posts. You have kept me inspired and entertained for some time now - but you must do whatever feels right for you.

    ((((more hugs))))
    Karen x

  7. Now Helen, don't compare yourself to Derek Acorah, cause I'm sorry, but he's pants! I do however believe that things always have a way of working themselves out and whatever you decide it will be what's best for you. I for one would miss you terribly - of course you don't have to keep up a daily blog - how about just once a week or something! Anyway, sending you big fiddle farty hugs. Suze xx

  8. We'll all miss you and the inspiration you share so generously,Helen, but you must do what feels right for you.
    'Thank you' doesn't seem like enough.
    {{{hugs}}} Lynda x

  9. Helen, I always look at your blog in the mornings. I love it. I think it's so successful because you just do your own thing and don't follow the current trend like a sheep.You've been such an inspiration but I understand what a bind a blog can become even without any personal trauma. I hardly update mine these days. Don't feel you are obliged to carry on. Take care of yourself and your family.Your blog will still be here for us all to browse around, there's so much here, and if you come back later it will be a bonus.Much love, Di.xx

  10. Helen, like many others, I always check your blog during my mornings and although I have only been a follower over the last few months, you have provided me with so much inspiration, I cannot put it into words. I really would miss your daily posts but agree with everyone else, you must do what is best for you and your family. Perhaps now is not the time to make any final decisions but whatever you do decide to do in the future, I'm sure you will have the full support of everyone. in the meantime, take care and I look forward to your 'Christmas' posts.
    Toni xx

    PS Don't forget our 'coffee date' if ever you are over in my direction. It would be lovely to meet you 'face to face'.

  11. Helen yours was the first blog I visited - intrigued by Fiddle Farting! - and, along with the Pixie, the blog I visit most often. Whatever happens blogwise I want to say a big 'Thank you' for the inspiration you've given via your unique ideas. Hugs Dee xx

  12. At a time like this it must feel as if your world is all upside down. Whatever you decide to do my thoughts go out to you, thankyou for all your lively inspirational posts and my love to you and your family. Xx

  13. Dear Helen, Your life has turned upside down. Even without this torment it must be difficult juggling work, craft and 2 bloggs. In the weeks to come you will find your way and whichever path you decide to take it will be the right one. Like everyone else has said - you can always start it up again and your Followers will be ready and waiting for you. Your blog has been a total inspiration to me. I follow many blogs but I never 'comment' - I only comment on your blog :) that's cause you're special! Just always remember that xx

    Lynda & Grandma Winnie xxx

  14. Big hugs Helen - you obviously have lots to deal with at the moment and if giving up the blog is what you feel you need to do you know you will be missed but supported in that decision.

    Please look after yourself.

    Toni xx

  15. Thanks for your daily entries, which I look at each morning. I have passed it on to so many other crafters, some just starting out, as your designs are so straight forward and deceptively simple. I do feel on such a wavelength with you that your loss of Andy has really affected me too. Thank you for being you. Hugs and flowers {:@:}

  16. Normally i am one of the first to put my to penny worth in be it good or bad but i cant find the words ( strange that as i am so often full of them ) today to say just how much i would miss you its not the blog its that little bit of you that makes the day brighter yep i can call and speak but it wont be the same as seeing what that creative spirit chucks out in to the world to inspire others to try something new i for one will really really miss you being part of my day big big big love marc

  17. As many have said you must do what is best for you and if you stop blogging you will be missed by many, many people. Use this 'enforced break' to have a rest from blogging before making your final decision. I'm sure you won't be giving up crafting - it's such a comfort when 'life' gets in the way. Do you think you could craft but not share your creations?

  18. Hi Helen have had real pleasure from your blog, i have always been amazed by your great posting on both blogs. I am really sorry about Andy having been in the same lonely place myself you have been in my thoughts. Take care and have some hugs from me to you. Bee

  19. helen if you do give up fiddlefart it will be a great loss to a lot of us. It is what i look at first thing in the morning when i get in from work and it always inspires me. You must do what is best for you but know that whatever you decide i will be rooting for you all the way. Thinking of you. louise xx

  20. Ooooooo.... no please don't leave us! Your ideas and inspiration are the best!
    But seriously you truly have to do what's right for you, and I wish you all the very best during this tough period.
    Joanne x

  21. Take it easy for a while, you will then decide on the right decision for you and that's the important thing. If you do go from blogland you will be sorely missed, I've been following you for many moons now, but if it's the right decision for you, then that's what you have to do. Enjoy your rest (if you can call it that) and will keep an eye on your blog for updates.


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