Saturday 2 June 2012

Sad News

I just didn't know what to do ...... but in the end I have decided that I would tell you that on Thursday Andy - The Duke died ..... I am still fuctioning in shock mode ...and we are all devastated.  He was at work and just keeled over with a massive embolism to his lung. I have been told that it was instant and he would have felt nothing and that gives us all comfort. 
Blog posts will continue as I am scheduled for weeks ahead and its really too much work cancel them ..... so enjoy.
There is no need to leave a comment ..... just embrace this and every day because you just don't know what might be coming to bite you on the bum !! xxxxxxx


  1. So very sorry for your sad loss.
    Your blogg has cheered me when I have been down. I wish I could do the same for you.
    Love and kind regards to you and your family.
    Sue L

  2. BIG BIG BIG BIG LOVE there are no words that can heal your heart there are no words that can take away your pain no amount of saying time will heal and things get easier in time will ever make you fell good but i know love can the love of a friend the love you and the Duke have the love you and your family have for each other thats what will see you throw these dark times and the days ahead so that what i say and send to you my friend is BIG BIG BIG LOVE Marc

  3. Oh Helen, I am so so sorry for your loss, my heart goes out to you and your family!

    Thinking of you!

    Big hugs
    Roni xox

  4. Helen I can't begin to express my sympathy to you over this news. :(
    I have been visiting your blogs for absolutely ages now and always so massively inspired by everything you post.
    There are no words to describe how you must be feeling for you but please know all us out here on the internet will be here for you no matter what or when you are able to return, it is important that you take as much time as you need for yourself to heal after losing such a talented man :)

  5. There is no way ease your loss. I only hope that memories of happier times will comfort you and help you through the coming weeks. Gentle hugs and sympathy.

  6. So sorry to hear your sad news, just know that all our thoughts are with you and your family and this very sad time, send bigness hugs Lisa xx

  7. Sending you huge hugs and sympathy at this very sad time.

  8. So sorry to read your sad news,be kind to yourself and make sure you take alll the help and support that I am sure you will be offered..xx

  9. Oh Helen, my deepest sympathy for you, I am so sorry for your loss. Sending you loads of hugs to help comfort you. xx(())
    Sharon Louise x

  10. Thinking of you all, sendings hugs x

  11. So sorry for your loss helen x

  12. Thning of you all......

    hugs Diane xx

  13. What a terrible shock to you all and know you must miss him terribly.
    Sending huge hugs to your all.

  14. My thoughts are with you and your family Helen.

  15. So sorry to hear that Helen, it must of been a terrible shock. My thoughts are with you and your family, take care. Janex

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Helen my heart and thoughts go out to you, I am so very sorry for your loss, with hugs xx

  18. Thinking of you and your family at this sad time xx

  19. Oh Helen, I don't know what to say, just know that we are all thinking of you at this terribly sad time. Sending lots of love. xx

  20. So sorry for your loss and the terrible shock. Thinking of you and your family x

  21. Oh Helen, tears are just tripping me right now, I only know you through your blog and the contact we've had through email, but I feel like you are just as close as a friend. So sorry to hear this, and I just hope you take strength from the support of friends and family around you to help you through this difficult time. Sending you so much love xxx

  22. A light may have gone out of your life, but the memories will always be there. Massive hugs xxx

  23. keeping you and the family in my thoughts at this time xxx

  24. Helen, there are no words. I can't believe you even had the strength to write this message on your blog. I am so so sorry Carly xxx

  25. Thinking of you at this very sad time xx

  26. Thinking of you and your family Helen x

  27. I'm in shock having read this very sad news - it's taken my breath away, so how you are coping I really do not know. I read your blog (and Monkey's)every day and have done for quite a while. My heart is breaking for you but I know your colleagues from the school will support you. As Marc always says 'Big Love'.

  28. I am so sorry to hear of your loss, like many others on here I only know you through your blog and some emails we have exchanged but I am another one who reads your blog every single day. Life is so busy that I don't always have a chance to leave comments but I love your work and you are a real inspiration to us all.
    I cannot begin to understand what you are going through but know you have a loving supportive family around you , big big cyber hugs to you all x x x

  29. Oh Helen, I am so so sorry to hear your sad news my thoughts are with you and your family and sending you lots of love and hugs xxx

  30. So sorry to hear your sad news, just know that all our thoughts are with you and your family at this very sad time.

    Love always

    Chrissie (& Matthew)

  31. I still cannot take it in. Roger and I will be remembering you and your family in our thoughts and prayers. Much, much love.

  32. I'm so sorry to hear your news. You & your family are in my prayers & thoughts. Love & hugs, Shirley xxx

  33. Oh Helen, How devastated you must be. My heart goes out to you.My hubby is my best friend and I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like to lose him.Massive hugs and loads of love. Di. xx

  34. Heartfelt sympathy to you and your loving family, I will keep you in my prayers, I hope the memories you have shared can help you a little at this devastating time.
    Love and Hugs Tilly x

  35. I'm so sorry to hear your devastating news. My thoughts are with you and your family at this sad time. Hugs xxx

  36. Oh Helen honey...I will say a prayer for you all that you will find the strength that is needed at this time. .....xxxxx

  37. So sorry to hear your sad news Helen. Thinking of you. Elaine x

  38. Helen, so sorry to hear your news! My thoughts are with you and your family!

  39. Like many others have said I only know you through your blog which I read daily but I also feel you are friend too. So sorry to hear your devastating news sending hugs to you and your family at this sad time love Donna x

  40. So sorry to hear your news. I read your blog everyday and you have given me so much inspiration. My thoughts are with you. Marguerie x

  41. Our thoughts are with you Helen. Mum and I have both shed tears for you today.

    Lynda & Winnie xxxx

  42. Oh Helen, what can anyone say - I've cried today too, so very sad. Sending much love, and thank you for the email, I've replied but don't expect an answer. Just know you are loved and cared about by so many of us. Di xxx

  43. I'm so sorry for your loss. =( A big hug. xxx

  44. Helen i am so sorry for your loss, My heart goes out to you all. Hugs Louise xx

  45. Helen, so sorry to hear your sad news. Our thoughts are with you and your family at this difficult time.
    Toni xx

  46. So sorry to hear this. I will keep you and my family in my thoughts.

  47. Remember to take care of yourself. He would want you to be strong and healthy and happy. live asthough he is watching, and make him proud. lots of love xxx

  48. So sorry to hear you news, your blog is the first thing I look at in a morning to cheer my day onwards. I hope it helps a little to know that there are so many people out here who are holdiing you and your family in their thoughts and prayers. Much Love Louise

  49. Like Louise, I just hope it helps a little to know that so many people are holding you in their hearts. Hugs xx

  50. Sorry to hear your sad news about The Duke, you have been in my thoughts today, we see our loved ones go to work and school and always expect them to come home. There is a saying... wherever a beautiful soul has been, there is a trail of beautiful memories and i'm sure The Duke has left you many. take care....x

  51. Sending you a huge hug - take care of yourself

  52. so sorry for your sad loss..sending big hugs kath xxx

  53. thinking of you at this time....

  54. I discovered your blog about six months ago and I've followed it ever since. I've loved your warmth and humour - and wonderful craft projects which you generously share - but I never left a comment. I guess I thought you had lots of followers to do that but the shock I felt on reading your news today meant I just had to write. You are so in my thoughts right now. My heart goes out to you and your family. xxx

  55. Helen,I am so sorry for your loss, you're in my thoughts at this sad time. All my love, Caroline xxx

  56. So sorry to hear of your loss Helen, you and your lovely family are in my thoughts at this very sad time, Love Anj x x x x

  57. I have been following your blog for a while, and rarely comment, but I felt I had to let you know you are in my thoughts at this sad time - sending you a huge virtual hug xx

  58. I cannot imagine the pain you are all in Helen, my heart and prayers are with you and your family, big hugs Lou xxxx

  59. thinking of you and your family

  60. oh Helen, such sad news. Thinking of you and your family. Dee xx

  61. You are in my thoughts and prayers during this devastating time. When a loved one is lost, it's not "goodbye" it's "until we meet again".
    (from Kansas)

  62. Sending you big love every day like i always do i know how hard it was for you to come on to the blog and tell your followers/friends Your Sad news but i am so glad you did it as it has given us all a chance to say thank you and to let you know we may be in hyper space but you are apart of our daily lives i am one of the lucky ones i get to speak to you etc when your heart is down and your awake late at night and cant sleep and the day has been horrid come back in here and slowly read throw what every one of your wonderful followers have said i know you are always humbled and surprised peps take time out of their busy days to read and comment on your posts but we do it becuase its you and your love of sharing and zest for life that we pop in to see so at this time all 760 of your followers /friends just want you to know We are sending healing wings to wrap you in hands to hold you up should you fall shoulders to cry on should you need them a heartbeat each to help heal your breaking heart but most of all BIG BIG BIG Love for all that love you have shown us hold on in there pal were where waiting till your strong enough to carry on again big love Marc and 759 other wonderful peps x

  63. So sorry for your loss Helen. Thinking of you. x

  64. I was so shocked to read your post, I'm so sorry for your loss.
    Big hugs Jennine x

  65. So sorry to read your shock news. Sending lots of love and the boys are sending big monkey hugs too. Mrs A & Norm.

  66. I can only echo what has been said so eloquently by all other posters.
    thinking of you xxxxx valerie

  67. Thinking of you and your family.
    Hugs for all of you.

  68. sending (((hugs))) and very best wishes to you all xx

  69. Oh my! I'm SO sorry to hear your news.
    Big Hugs XX
    Like many I read your blog and laugh and am cheered by your ideas and sometimes silly-ness.
    Know you are loved and thought of by many and take comfort where you can.


  70. I am so, so sorry for your sad loss. You are in my thoughts.

    Big, Big Hugs and kisses


  71. Helen i am soooo very sad for you at this terrible time in your life...hugs xx jo xx

  72. So sorry to hear your sad, sad news. You and all your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Karen x

  73. So sorry to hear your news Helen - no words xxxxx

  74. Helen, I am so sorry to hear about your loss, and send my thoughts to you and your family at this difficult time. Take care, Carolinexxx

  75. Dear Helen So many of us send you love and I hope all the love will give you support to help you find your way through this dark time. I wish so very much with all my heart we could do something to fix this and make everything all right. Sending love and caring to you....Dianne

  76. Hi Helen,
    You had put no need to comment but would like you to know that i am thinking of you in these very sad times x
    Suzie qx

  77. sending you huge hugs xxx so sorry to hear your news.

  78. Just catching up and have read your sad news,thinking of you ..x

  79. i am thinking of you and sending my best wishes to you and yours in this saddest of times

  80. Like others I am just catching up on visiting blogs, so I read about your sad news for the first time. My heartfelt condolences for your great loss. You and yours are in my thoughts!

    A comforting hug from Germany,

  81. I am so sorry for your loss Helen. My thoughts are with you and your family x


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