Wednesday 6 June 2012

Wooden Jigsaw Tags

I found these tags made using old jigsaw pieces from an unwanted children's puzzle a lot more fiddly than my usual domino tags
Wooden Jigsaw tags
….. so I am not sure if I shall be making many more.  They also look a bit bare, something is missing!  If I should try again …. I think I would use a busy print, perhaps a small Cath Kidston design and just add a thread and leave it at that.


  1. Well, I like them as they are, really pretty. Pouts and puts hands on hips - wouldn't change them one bit, you did a great job, so there! Di xx

  2. They are great and have to agree with Di.

  3. love what you have done and as you say lots of ways you can go small prints would work well i think its the cutting out they would look good covered in a fabric then you could cut around them and tidy up the edges useing a lighter or a night light great make big love marc

  4. I love these helen and sometimes less is more. because of the jigsaw shape i think they are busy enough. louise xx

  5. Brilliant idea, and they look fab

  6. Helen, for once, I have to disagree with you and agree with everyone else!! I think they are great. I agree they are more fiddly than dominoes but because of their intricate shapes, I think they look great and are very effective. Don't think they need anything else.
    Hope you are ok, thinking about you.
    Toni xx

  7. Well I think they are fab too.

    They look so sweet Helen - really lovely idea.

    Toni xx


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