Tuesday 10 July 2012

Best Medicine - Creativity Direct

Yesterday I have an e-mail out of the blue from a company called  http://www.creativitydirect.co.uk/ introducing me to their website …
Now, apart from my Decopatched kitchen table I have not done anything vaguely creative or to be honest been that way inclined, however although Alex didn’t know my circumstances when he contacted me, his e-mail has been the best medicine I could have ever had!
Once I started looking at the website I almost felt like the “old me”, getting excited about all the wondrous things they have and working out what I could do with them ….. so as a thank you to Alex I have put together a few of my most drooled over items and hope you are as inspired as I am…….
How cute are these angels?  £2.40 (inc VAT) for a pack of 8 ….. I can see them on my wooden domino gift tags already!
And these metal reindeer are mine!!!  £3.60 for 4 is a bit pricey, but for a special “man” card at Christmas they are gorgeous!
Among the Decoration Materials/Wooden products, these Doves of Peace are also a must - £3.90 for 10.
And who could resist this papier mache cup??? I am thinking Snowman Soup here!! (£2.10)

….. or what about this tray of cupcakes (£7.50) ?
I am not a great one for card kits …. but I could see the potential in quite a few one the Creativity Direct site …. there were a couple of unusual ones which, when coupled with a few of my own embellishments and paper would be ideal for making a quick “batch” up.
These are just a few of the things that caught my eye,   I have no personal experience of the company and just have put together this post because I liked what I saw and the prices seemed quite  reasonable, see what you think.


  1. Hi Helen

    I open your blog page with my eyes shut coz I kno one day you are not going to be there, but when I see that you are it just makes my night and I put my head on my pillow with a smile on my face!! Coz as you can see it's dark o'clock and I really should be sleeping! :S

    I love everything you showcased, especially the bag and the mug oh and the lovely wee angels! But its also nice to hear a li'l lift in your posting, hope you are doing okay? Thinking about you lots!

    Big hugs
    Roni :O) xox

  2. i like the bits to fab post big love marc

  3. Great little things... I am going to have a look right now! jenx

  4. It sounds like this has perked you up...love your "likes" especially the mug (I can see you doing wonderful things with those and your snowman soup).

    The wooden bag looks pretty amazing too. Thanks for bringing these goodies to our attention.

    Don't spend too much...LOL

    Toni xx

  5. Great to see your post, you are still in my thoughts. Like this website a lot but only use it when there is free P&P as the postage is so high. Hugs Bee

  6. Thanks for this Helen and pleased you are sounding a little more cheerful. had a look at this lovely site too but was a bit put off by the postage - it was more than the items I was going to buy - think I will register and wait for free postage too!!
    take care

  7. Hi loved the website but they want a min order of £100 for us poor ex-pats! :0(
    looks like my mum will have to be my delivery address !

  8. Helen, it's so good to see a post like this from you. Sounds like you might be feeling a little better. I've just had a quick look at the website and there are some lovely things and ideas. Will be adding it to my favourites for future viewing. thank you for telling us about it. Take care
    Toni xx

  9. Thanks for the post Helen! So pleased to have been able to help inspire you a little :)
    Hopefully sending a few new blog visitors your way today too!

  10. seems like some lovely thing in there lol, must have a look.
    So pleased this has helped to lift your spirits and hopefully inspire you to craft

  11. Okay, I'm not stopping to chat. Those prices seem SO reasonable - I'm off shopping! See ya! xx

  12. Creativity is a saving grace so many times...it's effects cannot be underestimated...your amazing talent gives to so many others, too...it is wonderful to see "the wheels turning" for you once again...enjoy.. Dianne

  13. Never seen that 'shop' before so off for a look soon, love the look of the paper mache bits. Its fabulous to hear this has helped you a little. Hugs Lou x

  14. I have not had time to go to the site yet but loved the bits and bobs tha you have showcased. will have a good old rummage later Louise xx

  15. so glad they came buy and said hi i sent them a email saying what a fab shout you gave themit would be nice if they sent you a few bits to play with as i would love to see what you would do with some of their things and it would be great pr for them big love marc


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