Saturday 25 August 2012

A Project …. Having A Go At A Decopatch Chair

I have said a couple of times already that I am struggling with my mojo, which is why you are seeing a lot of my Christmas stuff now, because I have had to bunk it down so I still have posts to post if you see what I mean ……. but at the moment I do find Decopatch very soothing …. and it takes no thinking!
Decopatch ProjectSo, when I saw this chair outside one of the  village shops going free to a good home, it would have looked rude not to avail myself of it and bring it home ….. The Duke use to just tut and sigh when I brought “more rubbish” into the house ….. but I have been wanting to have a go at a Decopatch chair for ages and fortuitously Tom and Laura had bought me a pile of new papers a couple of weeks ago ….. so it was fate!!
Decopatch PapersI am also having a bit of a reshuffle in the house at the moment and I need a new chair for my bedroom, and this could be it!  I have never reupholstered a seat before, but I have a staple gun …. so how hard can it be?  So watch this space!!!!
Decopatch Chair
Since writing this post on Wednesday I couldn’t resist making a start …. all I can say is that it is lot fiddlier than anything I have decopatched before ….. and I am dreading the knobbly bits on the legs!!! However, a little and often I think.  It is interesting to see how Decopatch works when put straight on dark wood … I thought it might be more subdued …. but it still looks bright and fresh. I am thinking that I am going for a cerise seat cover …. and if I could find a knitted jumper that I could cut up for it, it could look pretty FAB!!!


  1. It's looking absolutely gorgeous so far. Can't wait to see the finished product xx

  2. love the look, i am dying to have a go at decopatch you might have just inspired me

  3. thats looking fab you need to go to a chairty shop to see if they have any old jumpers and by the way you know the wooden wine box you picked up in the streets of london and left as a gift for rick well he has turned it in to a nest box for one of his chicks who is now sitting on 6 eggs so she thanks you for her new home lol big love marc

  4. The chair looks great and decopatch looks very therapeutic. Keep going. Upholstering a chair seat with a staple gun is really easy. Push the corners infirst (all four) then staple the sides over. Do opposite ones rather than working round and keep it tense or taut whichever word you prefer! I think a piece of thrifted velour or velvety material would look gorgeous and very boudoir. Keep crafting and the mojo will come. Have you looked at the gunny sack blog? You would love it I think. She hosts weekly blog parties that are full of ideas. Your projects would link in very very well. (((jenx)))

  5. Stunning so far Helen - you clever little crafter! Scrappyjen's words above are good advice and a staple gun is essential I think! If I can re-upholster then anyone can.

    Hugs, Di xx

  6. The chair is coming along fabulously.

    A staple gun has to be one of the best inventions ever when it comes to upholstery...I never could quite manage to keep the fabric taut and hold the tack in place so that I could hammer it home - I just didn't seem to have enough jands LOL

    As the chair is for the bedroom a thrifted velour curtain might even give you enough fabric to cover your headboard to match.

    Toni xx

  7. Blimey if it doesn't move in your house, it get's decopatched:)

  8. Oooh lovely! and my colours too!

    Sandie xx

  9. Now this is a great project! It is looking super good already.....this is sure to get the ideas flowing! A little break when you do something different is always good...Love..Dianne

  10. All i can say helen is...Fabulous. Louise xx


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