Sunday 12 August 2012

Meeting Marc …. In Real Life!

Well, you’ve probably guessed by now that I have been away for a few days in London, my main reason for going was to met Marc, who you all know from this blog, in “person” and in “real life”,  with the added bonus of a trip to the Olympics as a wonderful surprise from my sister, Jan.
Alistair Campbell - what a sweetieNow, I don’t have a picture of me and Marc, so you’ll make do with a picture of me and Alistair Campbell instead, who I am afraid I accosted at Olympic Park!  He has been my “guilty” pin up pleasure for years … and when I saw him walk past, eating his Magnum, incognito, I knew that if I didn’t do something, I would always regret it, so I chased after him ….. what am I like?  All I can say is that I swooned like there was no tomorrow,  he was even more gorgeous in real life than his pictures and on TV  (and very tall and slim, and beautifully dressed) and he was also polite, lovely and kind ………. I am an even bigger "fan" now …. you can’t tell by the picture but I was just like a jelly!!!
portobello-road-market…. Anyway back to Marc …..  we were both a little nervous about this first meeting even though we text, email and phone regularly ….. and it was so silly because as soon as I walked into the pub and saw him sat sitting there waiting, we instantly "loved" each other even more than we did before …. and for the rest of the day we never stopped talking crafts and monkey’s and laughing …..
11_theprincealbert_pubhero_01After a cheeky shandy Marc took me on a guided tour of Portobello Road and in some of the vintage clothes shops … OMG, OMG, OMG!  There and then I was determined that the diet HAD to start that second (well, after our evening meal at least!) …. as I wanted ALL the clothes! Marc could look at all the stitching and bead work and say when and how they were made, there is nothing he doesn’t know about fashion and design …. but unfortunately for me vintage rarely comes in a large!! So I am now shedding the pounds with vengeance and then Marc and his friend Stephane (below, who is equally lovely and so fascinating to look at and listen to) are going to take me shopping for part of my vintage Las Vegas wardrobe …… a la Gok Wan.
StephaneWhile we were in one shop I spied an old school satchel but was a little apprehensive as to what they might want for it …. knowing that London prices can be a bit steep …. but when the girl said £6 and Marc beat her down to £5 it was mine …. Marc bought it for me …. what is he like?
vintage school satchelThe stitching was coming undone in places and I've since fiddled with it some more, as the picture shows, but, it’s nothing I can’t fix.  I was thrilled because I had been eyeing up satchels in all the shops but the prices were just silly for reproductions.  This is the real thing ….. it just needs a bit of TLC, and a good clean … I could alter it …. but it is, what it is ….. and after a little thought I think it should stay exactly as it was meant.
Marc also took me to see other shops that blew my mind, including a jewellery shop that was so crammed with over the top jewels that I must have sounded like a stuck record ….it was a shop stacked to the ceiling with objects of desire!
Then Marc took me Stephane’s home for a little light lunch …. I have always wanted to see inside one of those huge typical white London type houses ……
Hughs Gaff.…. and again …. all I can say is OMG, I was so not disappointed  and then reflected on how very different it was from my own humble dwelling in Wolverhampton ….. it was like another world …. but a world I could very comfortably fit into!!!!!!! LOL …. but practically you have to think of all the housework …. I’d have to have a vacuum cleaner on each floor and would have to no longer be such a stranger to Mr Sheen!
Marc also gave me some lovely presents …..
pink Skull money boxHe knows I have a thing about skulls (??) and thought this stunning pink and very heavy skull money box was very me …. we both think should be embellished with a copious amount of  flat backed gems …. so watch this space ….
chicken mugThere was a new mug and coaster for my desk at work, when I go back in September, filled quails eggs …. I’m not going to eat them …. they are too beautiful …. but have put them in a nest I already had in my craft room.
solar powered waving queen…. and a solar powered waving Queen …. which is now sitting on my kitchen windowsill…..waving ..... so funny!!!  What can I say?
We ended a perfect day with a wonderful meal in a lovely Italian restaurant, with Marc, Stephane and myself and then joined by Rick, Marc’s partner and my sister Jan, fresh from a shift as a Games Maker at the Olympic Park. 

PeroniOn meeting The Boys:- Monkey, Darrell, Vinnie and Nigel for the first time Rick’s face lit up and he said that it was like meeting Bagpuss or someone from Poggles Wood! I know I keep saying it, but it really was a wonderful day, and I am afraid tears were shed when it was time to say goodbye …… I always knew how special Marc was …. but he’s even more special and precious to me now, as too are Rick and Stephane Life has been so sad of late …. and I have another hard weekend ahead of me soon, but life is for living ……and I know there will be many more happy visits to come.


  1. What a totally wonderful post! :) How great to read about your glorious day, I'm sitting here smiling! I love the skull! (I have a weakness for them, too.)

    love Mags B x

    PS I, too, think Alistair Campbell is absolutely adorable! You jammy blighter, getting a pic with him lolz!

  2. the post can never put in to words just how special a day it was, we smiled tons we had a tear rick meet the boys and was star struck Hugh Loved you comming to his house but most of all it was fabtastic to meet you in person
    you have great taste and only picked the most expensive things in all the shops ect lol the sachel was a bargin just after we got it we saw spome repro ones the small one Was £75 yours just need a bit of stitching and a good buff and it will be so on trend thank you for a magical day and yep there will be many more of them we are all sure of that itwas lovely meeting your sister the quell eggs are from ricks birds you could blow them or hard boil and then varnish well pal it was fabtastic to meet up untill next time we will hold tight to our day big love marc rick stephan and hugh

  3. WOW! What a beautiful post! Marc sounds like such an amazing person, you are very lucky to have found such a special friend. Sounds like he treated you to a breathtaking day of shopping. Very very very jealous, sounds like he knows all the good haunts. I am so happy for you Helen. You so deserve to be spolit after all you have been through and Marc is definitely the man to do it. You lucky lucky girl. Big hugs and kisses Carly xxxxxx

  4. What an excellent day you've had. The chicken mug is brill and Alistair Campbell eh, very dishy.

  5. So glad you all had a fab day. I've never met Marc either, but I know he is a wonderful person with a good heart.

  6. So glad everything went so well on your visit, and that you had a memorable time at the Olympic Park (envy, envy). Not sure Alastair Campbell rings my bells, but hey we are all different! The browsing sounded wonderful... and I was sure your meeting would go well with Marc and am so glad to hear it did.
    Loved seeing 'my book' feature in your blog the other day. I had to go back and look at it again.. Much love

  7. What a great post Helen, almost felt I was there with you. But what are you like, accosting Alastair Campbell, surprised you didn't ask for a lick of his mangnum!!! :o) xx

  8. Helen it sounds like you had a wonderful day. From all the previous posts, I assumed that you and Marc knew each other really well and I was surprised to read that you had never actually met. How nice to meet 'face to face' at last. glad you enjoyed yourself and 'yes' quite agree about Alistair. Lucky you.
    Toni xx

  9. Before i read your post properly i thought that marc looked just like alistair campbell. Oh dear what a fool i am. i am so glad that you had such a wonderful time and really enjoyed yourself so much. You so deserve it. Hope to hear more of yor and marcs high jinks as and when they happen!! louise xx

  10. Thank You Helen For writing about your fabulous day, I felt that i too had been to London with you on your visit. You have a way with words thats makes us feel that we were there with you and that I had even met up with Alistair, Marc and friends..just Fab...

  11. What a perfectly wonderful day and exactly as it should be for two dear friends! Starting with meeting a handsome heart throb and being brave enough to venture into the path of his aura!! Such an amazing time for you and Marc and friends...It can't get any better than a dear friend like Marc taking you shopping in Portobello Road and all those shops! Those exquisite London townhouses are so beautiful who wouldn't want to live there? This exceptional day to remember always was truly deserved by all. A treat for the heart and soul for all of you and your readers too. A very huge thank for sharing this fantastic day with us!! LOVE LOVE LOVE all the pictures!!!..Dianne

  12. What a truly lovely post, I'm so glad the'boys' brought such a smile for you, they sound fabulous friends. Love to them and to you, may you have more such sunshine in your life. xx

  13. Wonderful post Helen, about a super special day. So glad you had a great time - and here's to it being the first of many.

    Love and hugs, Di xx

  14. What a great day, Helen."Well jel!" So many things to fit in - people to meet, places to go!!! So pleased it all went so well and you had a happy day. Hugs Dee xx

  15. I can't put into words how much I have enjoyed reading this post! How kind of Marc and his friends Helen - he truely is 'special'! You had (all had) a wonderful day and I am so grateful to Marc for bringing you out of your dark days - even for a little while Helen. Now you can look forward to meeting up again with great anticipation. Thank you for sharing with us all such a wonderful day out. - Just one more thing........... I NEED to meet Marc!!!! xx

  16. Thanks for sharing your wonderful London adventures - looks like you all had a fab time. I have enjoyed reading about the visit on Monkey's blog too xx


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