Friday 7 September 2012

Such A Perfect Day!

Oh my life, someone somewhere is telling me, very robustly, not to give up on the blogging!  I admit I am really struggling and worrying because my list of scheduled blogs is dwindling … after 22nd September I have nothing in the bag and I am afraid my mojo has all but disappeared ….. but then this happens …..
Parcel from USA….. the most wonderful parcel from Dianne in Florida! What can I say, but a HUGE “Thank You”.  It contained so many beautiful things and so many treasures ….
Bead Landing Locket…. including this lovely locket, complete with shells, I adore it and think putting a picture of The Duke in it will just be perfect.  Such a thoughtful gift and though I have never met Dianne,  I feel she knows me so well.
Halloween CraftsAlso in the parcel were some Halloween goodies, which is all VERY SPOOKY because when I was talking to Marc about my lack of mojo he told me to think about doing some Halloween bits and bobs …. and Ghost Sucker Wraps (above) and stickers are just the inspiration I needed, so tomorrow, after work, I am going to get me a bag of suckers,just love the name!!!!!!
Ticket to London ……  and speaking of the gorgeous, marvellous  Marc ….. I managed to get a pair of bargain train tickets so that I can go stay with him for a couple of days in October ….. I am so excited …… we are just going to sit on his settee all day long, watch Create and Craft, do some fiddle farting and perhaps indulge in the odd one, two three vodkas …bliss !!!!
decopatchAnd then when I didn’t think things could get any better ….. look what arrived in my e-mail, OMG!!  What can I say, but another HUGE thank you to The Decopatch Place in Witney ….what a wonderful surprise …. and like I said at the beginning of this post …. someone is defiantly telling me something, and it’s time I got off my bum and started to fiddle fart again!!


  1. Such a fabulous collection of amazing wonderful happenings. Enjoy your goodies and your trip to see Marc.

    Oh Wow!!! with regard to the Decopatch - what a super email to receive - have a super time picking goodies.

    Big hugs

    Toni xx

  2. Please don't give up blogging - far better to blog sporadically than stress about having to blog every day!
    Can just picture you & Marc sat on the sofa watching craft tv whilst fiddle farting


  3. What a great company wounderful customer services and great products at good prices i for one have liked them on face book and will be passing on their details to every crafter i know well done them for comming over to your blog and seeing what great shout outs you give and in return offering you a little thankyou it goes a long way in my book big love marc

  4. lol some ones got to keep an eye on you it will be lovely to see you bring a empty bag so we can fill it with crafty bits to keep those jucies flowing big love marc

  5. Di is fab she sent me some fabtastic bits that i just suit and stroke at the mo lol she is one of a kind big love marc

  6. Yippee, ain't it wonderful when there's a little run of good things. You certainly deserve some real 'pick-me-ups' Helen. Hugs, Di xx

  7. Yummy what a lot of gorgeousness - I think the Duke's keeping an eye on you!!

  8. Dear Helen, I truly hope that you can continue blogging as you are a joy and inspiration. I hope you can feel all the love that comes winging through the blogosphere from your readers. Have a lovely play with your lovely gifts xx

  9. Definitely a few messages here Helen.
    People are trying to tell you something and how much you'll be missed if you stop blogging. have a big chat to Marc about it when you see him, I'm sure he'll help with your decision. He sounds like a good chap. One suggestion has already been made. How about every now and then and not the pressure of a daily blog. You know the old saying 'little and often does you good'.
    Toni xx

  10. Definitely someone telling you not to give it up Helen. looking forward to seeing what you come up with fro all those goodies and well done onthe decopatch goodies. hope you have a nice time on your wee trip in october xx

  11. no pressure but why not think about sharing blogging with another crafty mate - errm,,, maybe discuss over a vodka or two on a certain someone's sofa....?? hee hee!! x

  12. Thats great helen - we all want you to go on blogging!!!!

  13. Well, Helen, I think the Duke has been whispering in some ears. He knows what makes you happy and he is making sure you get it. How wonderful for you! Hugs from across the big pond.

  14. What a lovely lot of crafting stash your friend sent and that locket will be perfect with The Duke's photo inside.

    So glad you are going to stay with Marc. I've never met him, but he is so obviously a lovely man with a heart of gold.

    How nice The Decopatch Place. Bet you'll have a job picking out what you'd like.

  15. So glad the package arrived and very happy if it helped give you a happy day...the visit with Marc is a most extra special wonderful happening to look forward to and that's going to bring many good moments! Hooray! The Decopatch Place saw your great work on all those fun projects; much deserved recognition.....Love Dianne

  16. Great gifts to inspire you. Keep on going - we love your blog. Jenx

  17. Just wanted to comment to say that your a great inspiration and i love your blog, you have great support from your followers and please keep on going like it has been said even little if needed but please keep going you are a great inspiration. i may never have met you but through following your blogg for some time now i feel like i do,
    You are very much appreicated by many as the gifts you recieve show and also very talented.

  18. Helen,as someone else who has recently become a widow I can totally empathise with your lack of creativity. It happened to me, but as I am a few months further on this unwelcome awful journey I can now say it is slowly returning and I am actually beginning to enjoy making things again. So hang on in there girl,keep cutting and sticking, if nothing else it keeps the hands and brain occupied for a while.


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