Monday 17 September 2012

What’s Caught My Eye In The Shops

Well…..  the Poundshops of Wolverhampton are now bulging with Halloween stuff: a lot I have seen before but these packs of six “Mini Horror Pots” caught my eye, working out at about 18p each.  All they need are a few pumpkin or ghost chocolates popped inside …. or some green and red  jelly beans …. (snot and blood capsules …. sorry!!)
Poundworld Mini Horror Pots They also had packs of matching Frankenstein and skeleton head pots which I think I will have to go back for … I will kick myself if they’ve all gone as I didn’t keep to my usual Poundshop rule of buying when I see something I like and can use  …. because as I have found in the past, when they’re gone, they are usually gone! I shall be keeping my eyes peeled over the next few weeks  …. while my creative mojo is still flagging at least I can bring you the odd shopping report instead.


  1. i cant believe you're mojo is flagging you seem to always come up
    with ideas, when mine is gone i have to totally copy other peoples ideas
    keep on blogging

  2. Helen, which Poundshop were these in. Is it Poundworld, Poundland or A N Other. Would be interested to know, thanks xxx

  3. Halloween has sooo many fun things, I know you will have great ideas!....Dianne

  4. What fun pots. Our 99p Store seems to be having a better selection than Poundland but I'll have to have a lookie see.

    Toni xx

  5. Worked out this was Poundworld, from the labelling. Quickly sorted with a drop-in today.

  6. Right need to get your mo jo up as i am going to be sorting throw my cupboards for when you come down so your have a few bits to be working with lol i havent been to any shops so dont have any halloween stuff at the mo must get a few bits not that many kids knock on my door but its fun to make a few things big love marc


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