Friday 5 October 2012

Save The Day Calendar Cards for Tom and The Lovely Laura’s Wedding

Save the date wedding calendar card(above) My first efforts in trying to put an idea together….
Did I mention that my son and the Lovely Laura got engaged a few weeks back?  It was the most wonderful news the family could have asked for as we all love Laura so much …. and I couldn’t wish for a more wonderful “new” daughter.
Genius at work(above) Aghhhh, a pile of rejects, mistakes and not quite right efforts trying to get the idea in my head to come together!
The wedding will be in August next year …. and I wasn’t sure if my crafty services would be needed …. but guess what ….. ???!!!  So please accept my apologises now, for I fear you may all get heartily sick of the constant wedding theme that will no doubt be running through this blog in the few coming months!
Calendar Save The Date.Calendar Save The Date Card
So, it’s going to be a lovely colourful rainbow of a day, “very them” …. and as we were talking Laura told me that when she last visited the hotel where the wedding and reception is going to be, there was beautiful bunting hanging in the courtyard for another wedding, which she loved  ….. and that gave me the idea for the “Save the Date” cards……
Save The Date Calendar Wedding…… which in the end I decided to doodle, to give them a proper homemade/handcrafted style ….. but you will not believe how hard it was getting the bunting “just so” was!  I drew it all in pencil first, but as soon as I went near it with an fine liner pen I would put a line in the wrong place and as a perfectionist had to do it all over again! Once happy with the final result, I scanned the base and calendar parts to make jpegs that could be copied and pasted onto A4 sheets (using Publisher)  and then printed,  cut out and finally the cards put together.
Wedding Save The Date CalendarAnd here’s what the final cards will look like …. (though I wished I hadn’t photographed it on a green background!)  I have mat and layered the base card on green for this example as Laura is toying with an emerald green dress …. but I think I may vary this with colours taken from the bunting.   The calendar is fixed in place with an adhesive foam pad for extra dimension. The bunting will be coloured in with Promarkers and sprinkled with Hunkydory Diamond Sparkles ultra fine glitter when I begin my production line.  The finishing touches will be made with a few tiny clear flat backed gems scattered here and there, there is one on the date, but it doesn’t show up too well, so that will be changed to a coloured one.   I will then attach a strip of magnetic tape to the back, so that it can be put on a fridge etc. to remind the guests  to “save the date”!
I hope I have ordered enough of the ivory linen effect card for all the stationary from papermilldirect, prices have gone up, as have so many things. When I first started cardmaking seriously P & P used to be free if you spent over a certain amount, which is why I used to order two Mega Boxes at a time to last me a year or so, I can’t afford to do that now,  however their ivory and white linen effect card still remain my favourite card with which to make all my card blanks.


  1. What lovely news for you Helen. I'm sure you will do them proud. Can't wait to see what comes next. These are lovely. Xx

  2. Hi from the other Toni (LOL)

    The card design is super Helen and the finished items are looking fabulous.

    Toni xx

  3. It may have taken a few attempts but you got there in the end - and it's a great result! The bunting was an inspired idea.

  4. Gorgeous Helen I love it.

  5. What fab news. Loving the Save The Date cards. Think you are going to be very busy:)

  6. wish I had your artistic flair lol,.... these are great and so personal to Tom and the lovely Laura lol.... looking forward to more

  7. I'm doing my son's wedding stationery I'll look forward to seeing your ideas. Have fun with it xx

  8. What a fabulous design, just perfect. All the wedding craftiness will be a perfect diversion til your full mojo returns. Really missing your daily blogs but I can completely understand. Take care Moira x

  9. These are fabulous - looking forward to seeing what else you make for the wedding xx

  10. From one perfectionist to another, these are just fab. They evoke such a feeling of happiness. x

  11. I think your 'save the day' cards are inspired wonderful for you to have something so fantastic to focus on ....and no we will not get bored hearing all about it. xx

  12. Will be just wonderful to see your ideas for this most very special occasion....lovely start to your wedding ideas...know it will bring much happiness as your ideas come and you work on them to your usual perfection!...Dianne

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. This is great Helen! I'm surprised a card company hasn't snapped you up yet to do some designing for them... Janex

  15. What a brilliant idea to hand draw something, then digitalise it to mass produce copies.

    Love the design - can't wait to see the rest of the collection


  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Love them Helen! Fab original design :o)

  18. The design is wonderful. I love to see the process that you use.

  19. Great stuff Helen - love the bunting. I bet you have loads of fabby ideas up your sleeve for the wedding and all the trimmings. Hugs, Di xx

  20. we are going to have such fun with this love the idiea cant wait to see one really finnished glitter every thing might have to glaze the date big love marc i love what your doing big love marc

  21. Ooooooo I'm looking forward to a wedding theme. My OH and I will be getting married and I am determined to do as much crafty as I can! Good luck helen, I shall be p[opping back often (as usual)!



  22. Beautiful! Congrats on the happy day!

  23. What a great idea! CCx

  24. Just found you on the Fairy Facebook page - love your artwork - these save the date are fab!


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