Saturday 10 November 2012

A Couple Of New Ventures …… National VELCRO® Month & Wholeport

National Velcro Month.National Velcro Month..
Over the past few months I have received a few e-mails from various companies asking if I would be interested in reviewing/trying out some new products …. but to be honest I just didn’t have the heart or the mojo…… but then I got an e-mail from Zuzana Borovska from Fleishman-Hillard asking if I would like to be involved with National VELCRO® Month in November …… and I thought why not?
Velcro Sick onVelcro National Velcro Month
Yesterday I received  the most beautifully packaged VELCRO® kit containing all sorts of exciting VELCRO® packs to get all crafty and creative with. The aim of the campaign is to come up with new tips, ideas and ways  to useELCRO®   and then share  the ideas in a few blog posts along with other bloggers who are also involved.  It is hoped that between us we can come up with at least 101 ideas on how to use VELCRO® !  I have a couple …..but once I start playing I hope to come up with a few more …..and hopefully, with luck, I can add an extra couple of posts to FiddleFart too.
If anyone has any ideas they would like to suggest I would be very grateful and I will try to put them together and blog them too, with all credit paid to you of course.
my sponsors
You may also have noticed that I have a new link in my sidebar to a company called Wholeport.  Wholeport is a company based in China that has somehow found me in the ether and has offered to sponsor me in an effort to help get my mojo back. They will send me a range of products to try out, review and link back to.  I decided to say yes because a lot of their stuff was quiet different and I was curious!  If I receive products that I don’t think I will/can use I intend to pass them on to readers,  as it seems ages since I have had a giveaway. I await my first parcel to arrive as I just don’t know what to expect.  I have no experience of using this company but I have read a couple of reviews that have said that all orders are sent out very professionally and fast ….. just Google them for reviews or posts from other blogs if you want to check them out.
Primark Christmas baby socksAnd finally a heads up to this gorgeous tiny Christmas baby socks from Primark …. these are size 0 – 2.5 (early days) and cost £1.50 for three pairs.  Last year you might remember that I filled Christmas baby socks (below),  not half as pretty as these,  filling them with sweets with sweets and they vanished as soon as I put them out.   You could also buy three sets (24) to make a gorgeous Advent washing line!
Baby Socks Christmas Stocking Treat FavorThis years socks will be put across our fireplace on a piece of pretty string and attached with miniature pegs …. photos to follow in December.
I am not making much this year, but if I see interesting things in the shops I will certainly keep posting heads up!


  1. Pretty basic thing, but with the velcro, you could attach it to woden blocks, pergaps with a door knob on the other side, to make your own ink blending tools like the ones a certain male crafter sells. You can make them for a 1/5 of the price they sell for.

    The other thing i use velcro for, is on the back of the tv remote in my bed room. The other piece is on the wall above the bed.

  2. Will be interested to see what you do with the Velcro.

    Fab idea to use the socks.

    Also interested to see what you get from Wholeport.

  3. National Velcro Month!! - I suppose you could combine it with 'Movember' and use it to attach fake moustaches! I really only use little bits of adhesive velcro to close gift card/money wallets. Those little socks are so cute. I'm going to check out that link too - it's great to have you back in crafting mode! xx

  4. I love how you 'get found' to try out goodies, you have so many brilliant idea's.....I look forward to seeing the velcro suggestions,
    those socks are so cute, I will try to source some for the Christmas fayre

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. hey look at you .... posting 3 days in a row, glad you are feeling more like your old creative self ~ don't worry about it if you have an off day ~ we are all entitled to one and we will all be here along side x

  7. Sounds like a really interesting time for you. Can't wait to see what you come up with the velcro...I am sure it will be very clever. Love those socks...great gift idea.

  8. i love the socks and they do make a fab advent calander for kids and grown ups a like also great party favours for the christmas table fill with a small gift and put the persons name on the sock fab place tag big love marc

  9. Really a wonderful treat to see your ideas and interest gaining momentum....Dianne

  10. Hi Helen - Sorry - I am a bit late on leaving a comment on this post. With regards to Wholeport - I have bought off them several times through Etsy - unfortunately they have now closed their Etsy store, don't know why. I purchased organza trimmings and 'vintage' type lace from them. They are really good to purchase from, very polite and aolthough the goods are coing from China I have received it within 2 weeks - unlike the order I am awaiting from another Chinese seller which I purchased on 22nd. October!! I look forward to seeing what they send you. Loving the little socks and the Velcro tips - but loving even more that you are showing enjoyment again. Blessings to you - keep up the crafting!
    Love Lynda x

  11. love the socks idea you are now on pinterest hope you dont mind x

  12. Love the socks! Off to PM, Thanks. :)
    Sue x


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