Friday 2 November 2012

My Decopatch Boudoir Chair

Decopatch Chair.Remember the old chair I got for free from one of the shops in the village that was having a chuck out …..
Decopatch ProjectWell, it's finally finished and I have to admit that it was the fiddleist project I have attempted so far mainly because of various nooks and crannies on the front legs.
Decopatch ChairChair Decopatch Chair
I especially hated doing the round bits and all the bars which were narrow, there was no clear run of covering, if you know what I mean compared to the tables I have done before, everything was a fiddly faff .... but I got it all done in the end ….. only to be scuppered when I ran out of quick drying varnish … and it took me longer than I had hoped to just nip into town to get a new tin, so it’s been standing in limbo now for a couple of weeks.
Decopatched ChairDecopatch Chair
However …. I was dead chuffed when I managed to find some very vibrant silky turquoise material from the market for a couple of quid (with enough leftover to cover a three piece suite!) and after borrowing a staple gun from work I think I have made a reasonably decent job of covering the seat …. but I am not showing you the underneath, because it was a case of why use just one staple when 340 will do!
Decopatched ChairBut, it’s now finished and I LOVE it and it is now sharing my boudoir with the bejewelled mirror I finished a few weeks ago. I am hoping to treat myself to a new look bedroom in the New Year, I plan the main colours to be cream and turquoise and then accessorised with a whole miss match of the jewel like colours taken from the chair …. and I have my next project in sight ….
002…. an old dressing table mirror that was given to me by my Grandmother and that I have used every morning to bung on my slap for years ….. but I am still a little unsure of exactly what to do with it, I don’t think it would look right Decopatched,  at the moment it is sprayed gold but it is very dull ….. I am wondering if I could inject some vibrancy into it by gold leafing it and then adding a bit of stamping ….????   Any suggestions are most welcome on a postcard addressed to "FiddleFart – Mirror"!!!!!


  1. You should get you own Etsy page! You have so many fantastic ideas! Janex

  2. Brilliant. I started my money box pig last weekend, Helen, I will hopefully get it finished this weekend and email you a pic. Looks fab! Hope you had a lovely time with Marc and can't wait to hear all about it xxx

  3. It looks fabulous Helen!! Hugs, Di xx

  4. Loving the colourful chair.

    Looking forward to seeing what you do with the mirror.

    So glad you had such a fab time with Marc.

  5. It's just brilliant and what a difference it has made to an 'old chair'. Looking forward to seeing the outcome of the mirror project xx

  6. Well done on sticking with it and getting it finished. I know what you mean about the underside of the seat. I recovered a similar chair for my craft room and like you went staple mad!

  7. wow, I love the chair now!! that turquoise is stunning.....
    Pleased you enjoyed your days away

  8. It may not have been easy but I think it is so worth it is amazing love it. xx

  9. Chair looks fab. Just completed my tiny decopatch project of a fruit bowl, must look for something more substantial. Glad Marc found a bit of your mojo and looking forward to 2 days of inspiration a week.

  10. Thats just beautiful. Hugs Mrs A.

  11. love it just cover the bottom with some paper no one will see it as for the mirror i would gold leaf it lets see what others think big love marc

  12. Love the colours in your new chair and the extra staples is just for security just to make sure it'll stay put!!

    I love the idea of gold leaf but what about the new mega flakes that have different colours in them, some have greens in it or red but still metallic leaf?? My mum bought the kit and loves the effect, steps are very easy, you just wait til the glue goes tacky and apply, plus a little goes a long way!! Tutorials on you tube! The kit is a bit pricey but I found this which shows you the different colours that you can get. Plus i thought the mixed colours will match your theme of mixed gems on your mirror and mixed decopatch?? But whatever you do I can't wait to see your end result!!

    I'm so pleased you had a great time with Marc and with Mr Mojo lingering that wee bit longer means we get to see you on a Thursday too, i'm well chuffed!!

    Big hugs
    Roni :D xoxo

  13. that is true dedication to tackle those chair legs; worth it though in the end......Dianne


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