Monday 17 December 2012

Fame At Last …… And My Favourite Festive Bargain!

MarmiteOxfordStreetOh my life …. I didn’t expect this …. I was really trying to get the Monkeys faces up in lights in Oxford Street via Marmite,  as it would have caused a festive flurry of robust excitement for chez nous ….. but all the pictures I uploaded of them on Facebook were rejected, so I thought I would see if my picture would be acceptable …… and so that’s how my little chubby cheeks got their moment of fame!!! Sooooo funny!   Why not have a go yourself:-
I haven’t done much shopping this year and to be honest anything of a crafty type nature in my favourite Poundshop hunting grounds has been pretty much the same as last year (and the year before!) so there is very little that I haven’t seen or used before ….. but this are my favourite purchase of this year, to be put away for next year …… because all my presents were wrapped up ages ago …..
Poundland felt gift bag envelope bag
..... this little bag measures 8.25ins across by 6ins,and is gusseted and embroidered ….. I have seen similar ones in very expensive shops …. take away the tag, perhaps add a few small sparkly gems and no one would know it had only cost £1, bargaintastic!! 
Velcro bag fastening Poundland


  1. That's mental that you managed to get your face in the Christmas lights in London - well done Helen!

  2. Love the little bag, I've too have seen lots of similar bags with a higher price tag and couldn't justify the price.

  3. love the bag seen them for £5.99 and how fab to get your face up in lights lucky i did not see it when i was out having a drink would have thought i was seeing things lol you are a angel big love marc

  4. I got loads of those bags too, Helen. I also got the Santa style ones. I was meant to email you about them!

  5. OMG!! I saw you in the lights - didnt even realise til I read this post! How fabulous!! xx

  6. wgat a great little are in the full glittering lights of fame!......the picture looks wonderful....Dianne


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