Monday 31 December 2012

New Years Eve 2012 – Out With The Old ……

My craftroomOMG,  you must be thinking, what on earth has possessed the Duch ? …… Well, this is how I shall be ending 2012 ….. with a very empty looking Craft Room!
Craftroom.Things were looking very tired …. so I have got the decorators in over the next couple of weeks to freshen things up, in my upstairs regions, nothing major ….
Craftroom….. but as I am preferring the minimalist look at the moment, it will give me a chance to have a really ruthless sort out of all my crafty bits and pieces …. and then hopefully with a lot less clutter and stuff I will never use …. I will feel a lot less bogged down and  inspired to spend a lot more time in my “new look” work area!


  1. OOOOHHHH, can't wait to see the redecorating! Going forward in the New Year may bring an avalanche of ideas.....Dianne

  2. Bet you can't wait to get back into your finished craft room.

  3. Oh Helen .... gosh everything looks so bare .... the thought of doing that to my workroom gives me the heebie jeebies. I have so much stuff in it, I wouldn't know where to start. I think you are going to inspire me though. Crack on!

  4. Can't wait to see the end result - I've been considering sending some old stash to my daughter's schools art department (only considering mind)
    Do you think all crafters are hoarders - I'm trying hard not to buy the 'must have' items, which are normally the ones I find unused several years down the line...

  5. Wow what a great idea, you are so brave and ruthless! Cant wait to see the new room. xxxxxx

  6. With you on the sorting out Helen, ours started before Christmas. Have decided to convert our dining room back into more of a second lounge, so building up the confidence to say goodbye to by beautiful big corner desk and downsizing to a smaller one which pains me so much! Already had all my craft stuff shipped up to the spare room. Worth a good change every now and then.

  7. we all have so much stuff i give lots to my local hospital old peps day center kids clubs but i do make up lots of craft bags to give to friends and familys kids on birthdays easter christmas ect as kids love making things even if it some of those 1000 peel off you have and know you will never use give it away and watch the love come back big love marc


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