Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Bejewelled Boudoir Mirror Progress

Progress on my “boudoir” mirrors is proving to be slow, but thanks to all the precious bits and pieces Marc gave me during my half term visit I have been able to progress a little further towards their completion.
Bejewelled bedroom mirrorsOn Saturday afternoon (2nd March) I spent several hours working on them, one on each side of my work area, so that I could go quickly between the two, owing to my going all anal about making them look almost identical. To be honest,  when I had finished it didn’t look like I had done very much ….. but as my fingers got increasing covered with glue and irritating I decided to call it another day.
Bejewelled mirror boudoir mirrorI think another afternoon filling up the remaining gaps should complete the overall effect and then I will need to see where I need to add an extra layer or two to add depth and a little more opulence. I have some birds and butterflies from dissembled necklaces to do that with, but I still think I may need some large Primark type flowers to get the look absolutely right.  The narrowness of the mirror frames has limited my scope for flamboyance a little, but by using the first layer of jewels as a base I am hoping that I will be able to spread a little more to the sides and over the mirror, some of the lower pieces will be partially hidden, but, in away, that will hopefully add to the eventual magic. So bear with me a little longer and watch this space.


  1. A post on Monday AND Tuesday???!!!!! I am so thrilled to see these. It's still Monday for me on this side of the pond so I got a double dose of Fiddle Fart, so I should be good for a couple of days. I loved the first picture on the Lulu bags and I thought "Helen should have put on nose and modeled." and of course that brought a big smile to my face, because I think you could!! Glad to see you were up to posting a couple unscheduled ones. Take care,

  2. loving those mirrors they will look fab as you say build them up and when you have stood them up right and steped back your see what your need dont forget to ask at work /friends do they have any old /broken bits you could use als chairty shops they often get broken bits or things with stones missing great job bog love marc

  3. wow, these are beginning to look beautiful, we will all be wanting some, good idea of Marc to ask around for broken bits, can't wait to see them finished and 'in situ' thanks for the extra posts

  4. That is stunning. You could go into business with those.

  5. These are looking gorgeous already Helen! Can't wait to see the finished mirrors, wish I had the patience to have a go at something like this.

  6. Bubbles start small do a picture frame ,a box ,candle stick ,a vase ,every girl should have one camp thing to call ther own i do them with kids old toys as well they look fab i often stick things on and then spray the whole thing white or in one colour you be surprised how diffrent things can look big love marc


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