Thursday 21 March 2013

Candy Rainbows

My friend Josie sent me this picture and link with Tom and Laura’s “rainbow” wedding in mind ……
Candy Rainbows – it’s an idea I have seen before and I just love ….
They are made using American sweets/candy called Twizzlers ….
twizzlers-rainbow-im-131426….  I checked out to see if they are available over here, and yes they are …. from Amazon, Ebay and other online shops specialising in American products, with prices varying from £1.19 a pack to £1.99+,  so making them for every wedding guest would be rather prohibitive ….. but nevertheless it’s such a lovely idea ….. it’s one to keep on the back burner! 
I may also try and find a few packs when I am in Las Vegas to bring back because when I did a Google search on them there were lots of other lovely ideas I would also like to try out.


  1. they have boxs of raindow belts here i think 200 for £12 also other sweets big love marc

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I found that twizzlers had no taste really when I tried them in the US. I like the idea of the rainbow belts from Marc. You can pick them up from the cash and carry amongst the penny dreadfuls...

  4. What about getting some rock made with their names running through. You can get rainbow rock and they may even bend it into shape for you whilst making it. Hope this helps. Love the blog and the monkeys.

  5. I came to comment with astro belts. But another option would be laces. I am currently eating a packet of green haribo laces that I picked up from the poundland. I would guess at there being about 50 in the pack, but they are double the length that youwould need, so you could easily get 100 out of it.I know they had red and I am sure I have seen yellow. And just to throw a third option in, you can get these kinda liqurice chew type things with a white centre down in alsorts of colours, they would also work. Not sure how much they are, but you can get them in most sweet shops and pick or mix. (Such as canduking if you wanted to look at them)
    Hope that helps a bit


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