Tuesday 2 April 2013

I Don’t Think Van Gogh Need Worry ……

Taaaaa dahhhhhh …….
Floral Canvas Fiddle FartOh my life …… last time your saw my “first ever” painting since I was about 14 at secondary school,  it looked like this (below)  ……. and then I wondered what the hell I had started!
my first painting_thumb[7]When I asked Tom for a large canvas for Christmas  I imagined he would get me something measuring about 3ft x 2ft, not 4ft 9ins x 3ft 2ins!!!!
Fiddle fartIts All Fiddlefart
However, with two weeks of Easter holiday in front of me, I decided that,  after staring at what I started back in February for long enough,  ….. it was about time I tackled it some more …. although I am sure “tackled” is not a very artistic or creative term …..
It's All Fiddle Fart.fiddle Fart painted floral canvas
…. I also decided to take photos along the way of my progress,  for the purposes of prosperity!
Its All fiddle fartI admit that I was a very random in the way I “tackled” it …. flitting about all over the shop with the paint and then outlining and filling in the gaps with a black marker pen as the mood took me, hoping that I was on track with what I had in my head,  although to be honest that was pretty random too!
Fiddle Fart.floral Canvas
It was filling in the last few little gaps that seemed to take an age …. and seeing bits I hadn’t outlined or needed just to add an extra flourish or curl  to  ……
Fiddle FartI was also mindful that I only had two sets of very small pots of Reeves acrylic paint to do it with, and didn’t want to “almost” finish it and then need to order another set … but having said that …….
Reeves Acrylic paint set 18 colours…… I can’t believe how far the paint actually went with very little watering down, especially as I didn’t use any of the duller colours like the browns, beiges and mustards.
My first ever canvasSo there you have it, all done and dusted and now hanging on my dining room wall ready as a conversation piece for when I appear on Come Dine With Me!  Would I do it again ….. ask me this time next year ….. I think I went about the project as a “crafter” rather than an “artiste” if that makes sense ….. and am not really sure if I felt the “ebb and the flow”!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. WOW!!! I am in awe of how striking this is. If you ever want to make some to sell, put me on the list!! You are amazing.

  2. Wahooooo!! This is just double STUNNING Helen - well done you, it's great. Hugs, Di xx

  3. It is really beautiful and makes a great statement! It almost seems as though the flowers are dancing across the canvas.....the more you look at it, the more you see...Dianne

  4. Absolutely stunning I have looked at your creations every day and this confirms it, you are an exceptional artist! John x

  5. Helen, this is just absolutely fabulous. Well don you. What a very talented lady you are.
    Toni xx

  6. GOSH.......... well done, I love it, such pretty colours and you can almost 'pick' some of the flowers

  7. Way to go, this is amazing and I love seeing how the painting grew.

  8. Helen i love it so much you should be proud of it i would hang it on my wall any day it is fabtastic not just saying this i mean it really really love it well done you did it big love marc

  9. Fantastic Helen! I think these would fly on Etsy! Janex

  10. It's a masterpiece. I would happily have it hanging on my wall. I hope you feel very proud every time you look at it.
    Glad you've been blogging more, my day wasn't complete without a check-in at...IAFF.

  11. This is stunning! I wish I was as talented as you to paint, the detail is fab and overall look just amazing!

  12. This. Is. Amazing. 'nuff said. :)

  13. Beautiful!! you are sooooo talented.

  14. Stunning piece of art! Lovely bright and cheerful and definitely a conversation starter. Well done on finishing it!!

  15. well done on your painting. it definitely makes a statement. very eye catching when hung on the wall :)

  16. That's turned out so well. It looks so bright and cheerful. It would brighten up any room. x

  17. Totally awesome!!!

    Big hugs
    Roni :D xoxo


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